12 Ways to Save Money on Everyday Items at the Arc Store in Paradise

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04/03/2014 2:30 AM

12 Ways to Save Money on Everyday Items at the Arc Store in Paradise

Save_MoneyParadise has a new store which offers many ways to save money on The rRdge. The Arc Stores of Butte County has opened a new location in the Kmart center on Clark Rd. We’ve worked hard to offer a fresh, clean, easy to shop experience close to home. Let me tell you a little about us.

The Arc Store offers all sizes of gently used, clean, and inexpensive:

1.  Clothes & Shoes – Including great brand name styles in our “Timeless Boutique.”

2.  New Clothing – That’s right, we get excess inventory with the tags still on, from stores that couldn’t sell it.

3.  New and vintage jewelry – So you can accessorize with the clothing you already found.

If it’s other ways to save money you’re interested in, come in and check out the:

4.  Electronics – We’re not talking just VCRs and record players. People donate some of the latest technology because they want the newest model available.

5.  Artwork and frames  – You might find just the right piece for that bare wall in your house.

6.  Kitchenware – Everything from fine crystal glasses to quality ovenware.

You might think the Arc Store in Paradise only has household items, however we also offer even more ways to save money:

7.  A large linen department

8.  Furniture

9.  Toys

10. Books

11. Movies

12. Collectable items – You know the saying, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

Most of our finer items are actually less expensive than other similar items on ebay. Speaking of ebay, did you know Arc has its own ebay store? Check it out here.

Since opening on March 10th, many members of the Town of Paradise have already come in and expressed how glad they are that we now have a store in our community. The gracious donations received by our friendly and helpful warehouse staff have kept our shelves interesting and full. With everyone these days looking for ways to save money, and with the cost of fuel increasing, it’s not always feasible to be driving down the Skyway. Hhaving a new, convenient place to drop off items you no longer use, and shop while you’re there, is a warm welcome.

We invite you to come in and “Say Hi” to our staff. You’re sure to have a pleasant shopping experience. Be sure to download and bring the coupon below with you – just another one of our great ways to save money!

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