3 Easy Steps to Make Room for More Used Clothing in Your Closet

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07/02/2014 9:00 AM

3 Easy Steps to Make Room for More Used Clothing in Your Closet

arc_store_used_clothing_racksAre you such a savvy second hand shopper that your closet is crammed full of used clothing, but you still seem to need more? This is a common female problem that I know I have and I bet you do too! Shopping at second hand clothing stores, like the Arc Store, allows for great deals that are hard to deny. Coming home with a bag full of clothing isn’t the issue; the real problem comes when trying to figure out where to put the newest additions to your wardrobe. Here are 3 easy steps that only need to be done once every 6 months.


1. Sort and Organize

Going through your closet and chest of drawers can look like a daunting task, but make it fun! Turn on some music and get to it. I like to start by making my bed so it’s a fresh slate for a dumping ground. Drawer by drawer and hanger by hanger you discard any piece of your wardrobe that no longer fits, is out of style or you haven’t worn in the last 6 months. This should make a significant amount of space for more fun, stylish, and affordable used clothing. For more sorting and organizing ideas check out these helpful tips.

2. Donate to the Arc Store

Bag up all those discarded clothes and head down to the Arc Store. Donating used clothing is easy. You simply pull up to our donation gate located on the premise of all 3 Arc Stores and let our warehouse employees take care of the rest. They will unload all donations while you fill out a receipt generally desired for tax purposes. Yes, you can claim your donations as a deduction for your yearly application for your tax return! That’s not the only benefit. When donating to the Arc Stores you help to raise funds for our many programs supporting our community’s developmentally disabled population. So you can feel good about supporting a great cause while helping yourself resolve a problem. It’s a win-win! For more information on how to donate to the arc store click here.

3. Restock

The Arc Store has a plethora of used clothing to choose from. Each piece is carefully inspected for the best of quality. When you’re ready to restock your now spacious closet and dresser turn to the Arc Store. Buying used clothing is affordable with most pieces costing under $5! It’s not just the low prices you can look forward to, but the discount days posted on the Arc Stores Facebook Page. So now that you have the space, go crazy! BUY BUY BUY!

It’s easy to resolve this age old problem with a resource like the Arc store around. Don’t hesitate to stop on by with the littlest of used clothing donations or anything that you’d like to get rid of. They say, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” and boy is that true! As for those larger donations, such as furniture, you can call any of our stores to schedule a pick-up in your area. It’s free!

Before you come in to shop, remember to download and bring the coupon below in with you!

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