5 Awesome Ways to Save Money On Your Camping Trip

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07/08/2014 1:44 AM

5 Awesome Ways to Save Money On Your Camping Trip

Camping is a great summertime vacation. However, sometimes the price of camping can deter you from actually going. While camping is cheaper than booking a European get-away it can add up if you’re not smart about it. Keep reading to learn ways to save money on your next camping trip.


1. Reserve your camping spot early

It’s always best to call at least a couple weeks before your trip to reserve a camping spot. Prices will be cheaper and you will be more likely to be able to find a camping site and to have your pick at where you are instead of getting the leftovers.

TIP: Be sure of the date that you plan the camping trip for. Once you book your campsite, you usually have to put a deposit down. Many facilities will allow you to cancel with a week or two advance notice, however they may keep your deposit or charge you a fee. This is why it’s a good idea to be 100 percent sure that date will work for you and your friend’s and family so that you don’t waste money by loosing it on a cancelation fee.

2. Timing is everything

If you want to camp on a holiday like 4th of July or Labor Day weekend be prepared to pay the price. Camping spots will likely raise their prices as well as require a 2 or 3-day minimum. Sure it’s fun to go camping on big summer holidays like this but if you are really looking for ways to save money while camping, wait for the weekend after!

Plus, gas prices normally go up around holidays like this. So, not only will you be paying more for you campsite rental but also for gas! Double whammy!

3. Go with friends/family

Do you have friends or family that would want to go camping with you? Perfect! Planning a camping trip with a large group will help to save money. You can split the cost of gas while traveling and share food and drinks.

Here’s a cool idea that lots of people do:

Each night have a different person or family cook for everyone else. Depending on how many people you have and how many days you’re staying you may have to include breakfast as well. This way you’ll be responsible for one big meal and then the rest of the nights [or mornings] you eat at someone else’s tent/campsite. This way you don’t have to spend the money to buy food for multiple meals. This will save you a lot of money!

Cool TIP: Bring a separate cooler for drinks and foods. The drink cooler will be opened more often, so this saves money on the ice needed to keep your foods cold in the second cooler. (Bargain Babe)

4. Don’t Buy New

Are you lacking a little bit on camping gear? Or maybe it’s your very first time camping and you don’t even have a sleeping bag. Don’t go buy a bunch of new stuff at a camping store. Visit your local thrift or second hand store to find gently used camping gear! There’s no reason to pay top dollar, especially if you are looking for ways to save money.

Here’s some of the type of camping gear you can potentially find at a thrift store:

  • Sleeping bag
  • Tent
  • Kitchen tools
  • Camp stoves
  • Outdoor type tools
  • Lanterns
  • Used clothing
  • Outdoor games
  • Sports equipment like kayaks

5. Do your research

Before you choose a camping destination, do your research. Look at the websites of different campsites. They will often list their prices, requirements, site maps and photos. Also, check out the reviews [if there are any] to ensure what you are paying is actually worth it for your stay.

Now that you know camping doesn’t have to be that expensive, what are you waiting for? Where’s your favorite spot to camp?

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Check out the Arc Retail Stores for camping gear before you plan your next trip and bring the coupon below in with you!

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