5 Money Saving Tips For Buying Workout Clothing

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12/29/2014 2:29 AM

5 Money Saving Tips For Buying Workout Clothing

saving_money_on_gym_clothes_460388779Can you believe it’s already a new year? You know what that means! New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight and working out is the most popular New Year’s resolution that is made year after year. 

Unfortunately, out of the 45 percent of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions, only 8 percent will be successful and achieve their goal. That’s why you need to be equipped with the proper gear! If you’re looking to lose weight and work out more, don’t let there be any excuses in your way. Work out clothes can be expensive, but don’t let that serve as a barrier. Here are some money saving tips for buying workout clothing so you can rock your New Year’s resolution and not become a part of that grim statistic!

Check your local thrift store first

Have you ever thought to look at a thrift store for workout clothes? If not, think again! Checking your local thrift store for workout gear is a great idea before you set out in your search anywhere else.

While workout clothing is used to get sweaty and stinky in, the clothing that is sold at thrift stores [should be] clean and lightly used. Places like the Arc Store in Chico, Oroville and Paradise only sell items that aren’t damaged and appear to still look new or slightly used. This means no pit stains or dirty marks. Also, the thrift store is a great place to look for shoes; sometimes you can find running shoes like Nike’s for a whopping $5. Holy moly! If that doesn’t put a little pep in your step, I don’t know what will!

Shop end of season sales

Try to avoid shopping for sweatshirts and long yoga pants when it’s just starting to be winter. Instead, shop for those items in the summertime or spring, when the season is off or ending. Items that are going out of season are often marked down since the store is trying to get rid of the product to bring in the new season’s trends.

Check the clearance racks

As always, check the clearance racks first. You never know what you may find there and it doesn’t hurt to look!

Check for coupons

With a little research and time set aside, you can find good coupons on workout clothing to help save money. Often, if you go directly to a particular brand’s website that you like, or do a little digging on Google, you can find coupons for particular products.

Here are some coupon sites to check out:




Take good care of the clothing to make it last longer

There are some tricks that you can do with your workout clothing that will help to make it last longer, which will end up saving you money. If you take good care of your clothing you won’t have to shop for different items as often as usual.

Here are some tips: 

  1. Wash your workout clothes in cold water to reduce the risk of fading and degrading of elasticity.
  2. Hang your workout clothes to dry. Doing so will help to save the elasticity in the waste bands, sports bras etc.
  3. You can machine wash most running shoes, if they are fabric just throw them in the washer to make them look like new!

Now that you know how to save money on your workout clothes, get to it! Don’t become a part of the statistic that fail at their New Year’s resolution this year. In fact, throw on a pair of workout pants and go for a run right now! You can do it!

If you’ve got time, run on over to the Arc Store in Chico, Paradise or Oroville. We’d love for you to say hi!

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If second hand shopping for workout clothes has a negative stigma in your mind, download our free e-book below to bust those myths!

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