5 Ways to Save Money Planning Any Celebration

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01/08/2015 3:02 AM

5 Ways to Save Money Planning Any Celebration

girls_celebratingWho doesn’t love a great party? While most people enjoy attending them, not everyone likes planning them because expenses are often high. With these money saving tips you’ll be in good shape! No matter what your plans, the Arc Store can show you 5 ways to save money on your next celebration. Enjoy your festivities this year and be smart too, it’s the only way to go.

1.  Shop Second hand

For those of you who choose to go out for some drinking and merriment, skip the big box stores for your attire, and shop at second hand stores. You would be surprised at what you can find at thrift stores; I often find brands like Forever21, Free People, True Religion, Billabong and the list goes on!  And, for the house party people, get décor, dishes, champagne glasses, and supplies for next to nothing at second hand stores everywhere. Stop in to your local second hand shops and start saving money! For an extra push, here is a $5 off coupon to the Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise or Oroville.

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