5 Ways to Save Money & Stick to a Budget for Your Bridal Shower

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02/16/2015 8:35 AM

5 Ways to Save Money & Stick to a Budget for Your Bridal Shower

bridal_shower_decorationsWhether you are planning a bridal shower for a relative, friend or yourself, you know it can be stressful and can cost a fair amount of money. Don’t let those worries get in the way of having fun and planning a beautiful event. Ultimately it’s not about how much you spend and you can still have a great bridal shower being on a budget. Keep reading for five ways to save money and stick to your bridal shower budget.

Recruit Help

Having help will not only relieve a bit of your stress and work load but will also save you time and money! If you are the bride, have your bridesmaids help you with all of the planning and the preparation. You shouldn’t have to go at this all by yourself!

Send an E-vite

Buying bridal shower invitations can add up and cost you a lot of money, which isn’t necessary. Sure, it looks nice and is exciting for your guests to receive some snail mail but if you’re trying to save money then it’s ok to send an e-vite. There are some websites that make really cute e-vites! Plus, even your grandma is technologically savvy and knows how to look at email, so that’s not a worry. Maybe you have that one friend who is off the grid—just print off an e-vite and hand deliver it to her.

Sites where you can create e-vites:




Make it Potluck Style

Making all of the food yourself is a lot of work and a lot of money! It’s ok to ask everyone to bring a certain type of dish, such as a kind of salad or appetizer. Just make sure you note on their invitation what to bring. This will take off a lot of stress on the day of your bridal shower. It also allows people to feel like they are helping in some way.

DIY Favors/Prizes

It’s nice to have prizes for those who win games but buying them can get expensive. Instead, make some prizes yourself. Thrift stores are a great place to find some of the items you may need to complete your DIY projects, such as mason jars. Plus, thrift stores are a great way to save money on supplies.

  • Honey in a cute jar
  • Handmade soap
  • Homemade jam

Cut Down the Guest List

Don’t feel like you need to include everyone on the guest list. Of course you need to invite certain people like close relatives, friends and those that are actually a part of the wedding party, like bridesmaids. If you don’t talk to someone that frequently and they aren’t family, there is no need to invite them. If you can imagine your bridal shower without them, don’t invite them. Having less guests will cut down on the price. Choose your guests wisely!

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a great bridal shower. Spending more money doesn’t guarantee that you will have a good time. Having good friends, sharing laughs and good food will ultimately determine how successful your bridal shower will be. We hope these tips on ways to save money were helpful and that you have a fun-filled bridal shower!

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