5 Ways to Save Money While Keeping the Kids Occupied During Summer

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07/23/2014 2:50 AM

5 Ways to Save Money While Keeping the Kids Occupied During Summer

tea party ways to save moneyWhen summer finally rolls around and all parents are faced with the age-old dilemma of keeping the kids occupied, get creative with their activities, learn ways to save money in the process, and it’s a win-win for the entire household.

Summer months give you beautiful sunshine, and a perfect excuse to get the kids outside. Let your imagination be your guide because there are plenty of fun and engaging games to keep kids busy, and parents, play along and tap into your inner-kid.

1.  Dress Up and Put on a Performance

Encourage role playing and dress up with all manner of themes, from princes and princesses to great sports legends or Super Heroes. You could also put on a puppet show, with Mom, Dad and the kids all getting a chance to direct, act and “pull the strings.” Get the whole family’s input when you decide on a theme or come on into an Arc Store in your community and see what costumes and outfits inspire you.

Invite the neighbors to dress up and play along and start a summer tradition, kind of like movie under the stars, but it could be a Backyard Family Theater. When you shop at local second hand stores for the items needed, you will definitely find ways to save money and have more of a selection.

2.  Tea, anyone?

Break out the tiaras, white gloves and child size tea set and have a tea party. Need some pretty and inexpensive tea cups that won’t break your heart if they get broken? Go to your local Arc Thrift Store  and mix and match for pennies on the dollar. Also purchase a lacy tablecloth to set your “new” fine china on.  It can be a cozy “high tea” for two or gather the cousins and take pics you can share on social media and put in your family treasures photo box.

Perhaps pre-empt the tea party with some fun joint preparation in the kitchen by making frozen treats with fresh summer fruit or creating fun sandwiches with cookie cutters. Think back to when you were young and had so much fun eating snacks of crackers and pickles or fruit with your friends. It’s one of my fondest childhood memories. Check out these additional ideas on ways to save money while keeping the kids occupied during summer months.

3.  Reap What You Sow

Of course, you can also teach life skills when you garden with the kids. It’s always fun to plant something and watch it grow! There are many ways to save money with all manner of gardening supplies and equipment at second hand stores. This activity teaches them time management, patience and responsibility from preparing the soil to planting the seeds and labeling the separate items. Then the joy of watching them grow and produce results in fruits and vegetables will be remembered by your kids their whole lives.

4.  Family Camp Out

Another fun summer activity is, of course, a campout. This can be at one of many local camp sites or right in your own backyard. Many of you can remember the excitement of planning and then going on a campout for the first time. From hiking and fishing, to roasting marshmallows and making s’mores, the memories and fun never stopped; and who could forget their first snipe hunt! There is usually a good selection of camping gear available, from chairs to tents and cooking gear at your nearest Arc Second Hand Store.

5.  Snip, Snap, Shoot and Share

One of the easiest kid-friendly activities during summer break is to encourage their creativity and challenge them to put together either an artwork portfolio or a photo and scrapbook to take back to school in the fall and share. Nearly new and gently used photo and scrapbooks can be found at second hand stores and can be transformed into a personal summer memory book. Challenge them to be tourists in their own neighborhood and take pictures of family members, neighbors, friends and even school clothes shopping. Save it for them and present it at their 30th Christmas as a remembrance, they will thank you for it.

In fact, why not load the kids up in the family car and come on down to your local Arc second hand store, browse around, do some school clothes shopping. You’ll be keeping them busy and saving money. For even more ways to save money check out our blog or download the coupon below to bring in with you on your next visit.

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