7 Tips When Shopping for Used Clothing

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02/26/2014 9:59 AM

7 Tips When Shopping for Used Clothing

used-clothing153522025Shopping for used clothing is not just for hipsters and Halloween costumes. When you think of the people who go secondhand shopping you might thing of someone in their 20’s or 30’s who values independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art, indie-rock, and creativity (Urban Dictionary). You might also conjure up images of college students and kids trying to put together a Halloween costume than ends up being a cowboy vampire.

The truth is secondhand shopping is done by all kinds of people for a variety of different reasons, but the most common reason is to find a bargain on everyday items – like clothes. Here are a few tips when shopping for used clothing.

1. Get rid of assumptions

Many people frown upon the idea of shopping for used clothing because they think it’s old, stained, outdated or too difficult to find their size; and that secondhand stores are old and dirty. This is usually not the case at all. So go shopping with an open mind.  

2.  Check the tags

If you are looking for a particular brand of clothing, the tags will be your guide. Look for new tags too because sometimes extra, unsold department store inventory will end up at used clothing stores. Don’t limit yourself though by only being willing to purchase a certain brand. Sometimes brands you’ve never heard of will end up looking fabulous on you.

3.  Try things on

Just like you would try outfits on in a department store before buying them, shopping for used clothing is no different. Make sure you know your general size and measurements when you go, but keep in mind that sizing has changed over the years. Clothing is designed to fit more loosely now than a couple of decades ago. Some secondhand stores may not have a dressing room, so wear a modest thin layer underneath in case you want to try on a shirt in the aisle.

4.  Don’t buy it if you won’t wear it

Sometimes it’s tempting to buy used clothing because you’re getting such a bargain, but don’t let yourself buy something just because it’s a good deal. You aren’t saving any money at all if you buy it and it just sits in your closet because it really isn’t your style, or you think you might wear it with that one skirt someday. Also check washing instructions. Even though that silk shirt is only $3 the tag says dry-clean only. Will you really take it to the dry cleaners?

5.  Carefully examine items

If you find used clothing you’re ready to purchase, take a few extra moments to examine the items and make sure there isn’t anything that will prevent you from wearing it. A broken zipper, torn sleeve, lost buttons or holes can be more trouble than they’re worth.

6.  Wash when you get home

This is just a good best practice for any clothing items you buy, used or new.

7.  Take a friend with you

Shopping is always fun when you do it with a friend. They can give you a second opinion on what looks good on you, encourage you to try on a piece of used clothing outside your comfort zone, and if you’re a shopaholic can reign you in when you are blowing your budget!

Remember, shopping for used clothing is not just for a certain sub-culture or to create a Halloween costume. It can also be a great way to save money and open your eyes to new styles you never considered before. Next time you go shopping for used clothing take your time and have fun.

To learn more ways to save money secondhand shopping, download our free guide below:

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