9 Ways to Save Money On Your Road Trip

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08/18/2014 11:25 AM

9 Ways to Save Money On Your Road Trip

78772771Going on a road trip is a great idea for a vacation, however like everying, expenses start to add up. We’re here to help! Continue reading for some money saving tips that will make your trip so much for enjoyable! 

1.  Budget First 

Before you go on your road trip budget your expenses. Regardless of whatever you are doing anyways; road trip, vacation, party, it’s always best to start with the budgeting phase. Budgeting is a step in the right direction when it comes to ways to save money.

Things to consider when budgeting:

  • Gas
  • Food
  • Sleep accommodations
  • Any activities/events you’ll be doing
  • Extras like shopping or souvenirs
  • Emergency situations

TIP: If you know you’ll be going on a road trip, put a certain amount of cash from each paycheck away specifically for the trip. Whatever you do, don’t touch it until your road trip! You can do it!

2.  Get the Car Ready

A week or a couple days before your trip it’s smart to take your vehicle into a mechanic to get it checked out. Trust us. This will save you money in the long run. It’s best to get an oil change instead of drop a transmission while you’re on a freeway in the middle of nowhere hundreds of miles from home. 

Spending money on getting your car checked out before your road trip will save you money in the end—and will make for a safer and more fun trip! Just tell your mechanic you will be going on a long road trip and want the tires, fluids and everything else that’s important checked. 

3.  Timing is Essential

If you can, try to avoid holiday weekends. We know, we know, those are the fun times to go on your trip! But, if it’s possible try to schedule around the peak traveling days. Hotels, events and gas prices will all go way up. Also, if possible drive at off hours—early in the morning or late at night. There will be less people on the road and it will be cooler [depending on the season]. 

4.  Pack Snacks 

Stopping at gas stations, fast food restaurants and coffee joints will add up, especially if you are on a really long road trip. Sure those chips are only 99 cents but it still adds up in the long run. Plan smart and pack snacks and drinks. Bring a large bag of chips instead of buying small snack sizes. Pack an ice chest that has coffee drinks, waters and whatever other snacks and drinks you think you’d stop to buy along the way.

5.  Have a Plan

Sure, it’s pretty fun to just drive and not really have any plans—but unfortunately you may spend more money that way. If you’re looking for ways save money on your next road trip [which you probably are since you’re reading this] then you should create a plan. Map out where you will be going each day, the miles and how long it will take. Also, know where you will be staying the night so that any reservations are already pre-booked or people are given notice ahead of time that you’ll be crashing on their couch!

6.  Pack Light

Do you really need that fifth pair of shoes? Probably not. Over packing can actually cost you money. While you may not realize it, every pound of added weight you are adding to your vehicle will weigh it down a bit and cost you more in gas. It’s a small variable but it can make a difference if you’ve got a couple suitcases in there!

7.  Factor in Fuel

Know where you will be stopping for gas along your road trip will help to save money. It’s best to plan this out during your planning stage but sometimes that can be difficult. At least plan for when you will get gas before you are on empty. Haha! Waiting until you are completely on empty leaves you with no options. You then generally will pay more money by picking the nearest gas stations. Try to avoid filling up in small towns at all costs! Their gas prices are much higher than other towns that have competing gas stations.

TIP: Use apps to help you save money: 



Gas Cubby

YP Yellow Pages & Gas Prices

8.  Save Gas While Driving 

Yes, it’s true! There are ways that you can help save gas. Here are your options:
  • Don’t use the air conditioner [if it’s super hot switch between windows and air]
  • Ease off the gas before a stop sign and let your car coast to it
  • No hot rodding—take off in a mellow manner
  • Don’t let your cruise control floor your gas pedal for you
  • Use cruise control
  • Avoid having a lead foot
  • Drive at night or when people aren’t on the road to avoid traffic (which burns gas) 

9.  Sleep for Cheap

You have many options when it comes to finding a place to sleep for rather cheap. It’s on you to decide what sounds the most fun or mix and match them!

  • Book your hotels ahead of time so that you have places you know you will be staying at along the way. Use sites like Travelocity or Hotels.com to get good deals on rooms.
  • Camp! Find camping sites where you can stop along the way and pitch a tent.
  • Stay with friends and family. Be sure to give them a warning ahead of time to make sure you’re welcome!
  • Couch surf. That’s right, there’s a website where people willingly give up their couches to travelers for the night. Check it out at couchsurfing.com.

If you’ve read through all of these tips you’re going to be well prepared for your roadtrip and will save yourself some money! Have fun!

Before you hit the road on your trip, stop by the Arc Stores to pick up and clothes or supplies you’ll need. It offers great ways to save money shopping at second hand clothing stores. 

Remember to bring the coupon below in with you.
