Find Your Adorable Easter Outfits at the Arc Second Hand Store

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03/18/2015 9:00 AM

Find Your Adorable Easter Outfits at the Arc Second Hand Store

toddler_with_easter_bonnet_dress_and_basketIf you’re asking yourself, what is an Easter outfit, then you might think it’s a thing of the past – but that doesn’t mean that the outfits you’ll find in a second hand store will be styles of the past. Back in my pre-teen and teenage years, nearly every child, teen and parent had an Easter outfit. Little girls got pretty new dresses and an Easter bonnet, little boys a new pair of pants, shirt and a tie. Mom and Dad had on their Sunday best, and everyone had freshly shined shoes.

Even if your family wasn’t a regular at the local church, seems Easter Sunday and Mother’s Day were the two top attendance days and pastors would even make jokes about it from the pulpit, saying “I knew the church would be packed today, it’s Easter,” or “I wish every Sunday brought in the crowd of families that Easter Sunday does.” 

Even families who attend church on a regular basis will probably dress up a little more for the Easter service. Granted we’re no longer living in the past, but in retail stores there are racks upon racks of frilly little Easter dresses for the girls and complete outfits with shorts, shirt and a tie for the boys. So the tradition isn’t gone, perhaps just not as prevalent as it was a few decades ago.

The Arc second hand store also has racks of Easter outfits and Easter decor like the big box, name brand retail stores, but they are noticeably more affordable. You’ll find dresses, skirts, blouses, colored and flowered straw hats, and those shiny shoes, right next to the DIY Easter basket items.

Visit the Arc second hand store nearest you and search our displays for similar styles and colors. The Arc Stores have fabulous brand new, trendy jewelry, as well as many vintage, gently used pieces. And shoes? We have one or two of every color and style. LuLu’s of Chico generously donated hundreds of pairs of stylish shoes to the Arc, prices begin at $6, can you beat that anywhere else? I don’t think so.

Maybe you aren’t attending a church service or family function on Easter, but are planning a picnic or a hike. The Arc has clothing and equipment for whatever activity you decide to indulge in on the Easter holiday weekend.

Personally, I think Easter is here to stay and a second hand store like the Arc Store should not be your second choice of where to find your Easter style. Check us out first, you will be pleasantly surprised what stylish clothing and accessories the Arc Store has, not only for the adults but also for little ones.

Before you visit the Arc Store to do some Easter shopping, download and bring in the coupon below.

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