Fool Your Friends Into Thinking You Went Designer With These Money Saving Tips

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03/26/2014 11:13 AM

Fool Your Friends Into Thinking You Went Designer With These Money Saving Tips

BlueVaseWish you could achieve a professionally put-together look for a space in your home without the expense of hiring a designer and buying new furniture? You would be amazed at how fun it can be to fool your friends into thinking you “went designer” by using a few DIY money saving tips, and shopping at the Arc Store.

Tip #1 – Have a focal piece

Do you have no specific theme or color scheme in mind, and have no idea where to begin? Simply select an item you absolutely love and wish to enjoy in that room. Maybe a gift from someone you love, or an object pertaining to a hobby or sport you enjoy. If nothing comes to mind, head over to the Arc Store, browse through all the interesting things you never knew existed, and pick something which really catches your eye.

Tip #2 – Just add color 

You found that special something. It is a colorful, hand painted plate from Portugal and it just makes you feel happy. (Happy you spent under $10 for it at the Arc Store as well!)  Where in the room would you like to display it? Hmmm. Found the spot?  Next, which color really makes it stand out? What color attracted you to that plate when you first spotted it, the warm sienna brown or the rich cobalt blue?

Color really plays with our emotions. Is this a room you plan to relax in? Ok. Let’s say the beautiful blue is the color which makes you feel calm – the way you want to feel when you are in that room.  How can you expand that blue in a way that fits your budget and situation?  Here are more money saving tips to help you do just that.

A touch of color on just one accent wall can totally transform the look of a space and give it that designer feel. If you’re not up to a DIY painting project, supplies are not in the budget, or if you have a disapproving landlord, a beautiful blue table runner or scarf may be a better choice for you. Another quick trip to the Arc Store to hunt down a vase, tea cup, or antique bottles of the same color to stage around that plate you love and you’ve got a collection. Items of the same type or color displayed on a bookshelf or table is a great way to create the designer look you want on a budget.

Tip #3 – Tie in existing furniture

You’ve been thinking about donating the old bookshelf your lovely new plate is displayed on because the finish doesn’t look so nice anymore. (We really appreciate you keeping the Arc Store in mind for donating items you no longer have a use for!)  Consider painting it a shiny and rich cobalt blue instead.

Creatively incorporating the furniture you now own into the new color and design ideas is another one of the money saving tips that you can use to fool your friends into thinking you “went designer.” For instance, the striking blue accents against neutral white walls look vibrant and fresh now, but not with the old plaid sofa your spouse loves so much.

Recovering furniture is the designer way, but can be expensive if professionally done.  DIY re-upholstery projects are often frustrating, and sewing slip covers is tricky for those of us lacking talent or time. A great money saving tip when shopping at the Arc Store is to check out our furniture covers for sale as well as fabric, quilts and throw blankets in many shades and sizes. How about a clean off-white cover paired with a snuggly throw blanket in blue for the sofa, and a blue flowered quilt to soften the look of that old armchair in the corner? Are you looking for pillows of the correct hue for the pup? We got ‘em at the Arc Store!

Tip #4 – Light up a logical and comfortable furniture arrangement

With a cohesive color scheme and fresh look it’s time to arrange furniture. Consider electrical outlet placement for the entertainment center or lighting, and if the door can actually open next to that giant sofa.

All set up with those logistical necessities in mind? You can still find ways to shake it up a bit and use more money saving tips to create that designer look.

Try changing your lighting. Is your colorful plate from Portugal lit as a focal point?  Move a lamp. Change a lampshade. Consider a wall sconce. Inexpensive lighting changes transform a room’s look and feel even if the furniture must remain wedged where it has been for years. By sliding everything even closer you can be cozy and create space to slip a library table or bookshelf behind the sofa. And don’t forget to tie it all together with the perfect area rug under that seating arrangement. 

Fool your friends into thinking you went designer with these money saving tips from the Arc Store, one room at a time!

Before you go shopping, be sure to download our $5 coupon to take with you!

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