Money Saving Tips for a Staycation In Your Own Backyard

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06/30/2014 12:14 PM

Money Saving Tips for a Staycation In Your Own Backyard

478219031Vacations can get pretty pricey, especially those that go to some tropical island and include umbrellas in your cocktails while you’re lounging around on the beach. Ugh, you don’t have that kind of money right now. And even if you do, you don’t really want to spend that much money right now and are looking for a way to have a fun weekend and spruce it up a bit. Don’t fear! We’ve got some money saving tips for you on how to have a “staycation” in your own backyard.

First off, what is a staycation?

Staycation: a vacation spent at home, or nearby; a vacation where you end up in your own bed at the end of the night.

Ok, glad we’re on the same page now about what a staycation is. Let’s get onto the good stuff—those money saving tips.

Dreaming of a tropical paradise? Bring the beach to your backyard!

Just because you don’t want to fork out the money it takes to get to a real beach doesn’t mean you can’t improvise! Plus, you won’t have to endure the long flights and worrying about who’s going to sit next to you on the plane since you’ll be right in your own backyard with people you WANT to be there!

Have a pool? Perfect, you’re one step closer to your imaginary beach. Don’t? Invest in a slip n slide or sprinkler. Make sure you decorate your backyard as if you were on a beach as well. Sprinkle some sand, add some tiki torches and serve cocktails with those little umbrellas peeking out. Need a Hawaiian shirt or a flowy beach dress? Visit your local thrift store to find used clothing as a way to save money on your staycation outfit.

Invite people over

There’s nothing better than having your friends over and being able to have fun but be relaxed at the same time. You’re not at a restaurant or event where you have to worry about splitting the check or making sure everyone can fit. When you’re at your home and in your backyard it can be more free and comfortable for you and your guests! Plus, you don’t have to worry about driving, parking and the time it takes. Consider visiting your local second hand store to shop for summer decorations and partyware – you’ll be amazed at what you’ll find!

Have a potluck

This is a sure fire way to save money while having a staycation in your backyard. Plus, it takes a lot of pressure and work off of you! Tell everyone to bring a side such as a salad, potato salad, pasta salad, appetizers or dessert and you provide the meat. Make sure you give people some notice in advance and check off who is bringing what so you don’t have duplicate sides. This will ensure you are covered all around food wise!

However if you really have the itch to travel we have the perfect blog for you too: Money Saving Tips: Planning a Family Vacation on a Budget

Now that you know what a staycation is and how much money it can save you, what are your plans?

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