Money Saving Tips For Buying & Revamping Thrift Store Jewelry

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02/02/2015 1:56 AM

Money Saving Tips For Buying & Revamping Thrift Store Jewelry

Did you know that second hand stores have a lot of really cool jewelry for a great price? They have new jewelry, the latest fashion trends and vintage jewelry. All of these different types of jewelry can be bought and used for the sole purpose of what they were designed for, or made into really cool DIY projects. Keep reading to see what we mean and to get some money saving tips! 

Recycle vintage jewelry

Most thrift stores are filled with all different types of jewelry. However, a lot of times there is an excess of older jewelry that you may not exactly like because of the chain it is on, how the entire thing is designed, or because it’s a clip-on earring instead of studs. Well, you’ve been missing out on opportunities when you pass up on those items! 

Those jewelry pieces just need a little help from you to make them timely and into the piece you want to fit your style. Grab some scissors, glue and wire pliers and go to town.


Photo source: Trash Fashion

For more inspiration check out this blog: Recycled Vintage Jewelry 

Create a jewelry bouquet for your big day 

Do you have a wedding coming up and you want to ditch the old fashioned bouquet made with real flowers? Or maybe you just want to “bling” it up a bit? Then this jewelry bouquet is for you! Your guests will ‘wow’ at your creativeness and the photographs will be amazing. Little do they know how much it really cost you. But you’ll be smiling deep down knowing you created a beautiful thing for your wedding day on the cheap! 


Photo Source: Instructables 

Want a full tutorial? Here you go: Wedding Brooch Bouquet   

Turn silverware into a fashion statement

Say what? Turn a spoon or fork into something that I’m going to wear? Yes! You heard me right. Who knew an eating utensil could be fashionable, right? This one is a bit more labor intensive but with practice it can be done. Good thing thrift stores have a lot of extra spoons and forks lying around.

Next time you’re at your favorite thrift store remember to not pass up those cool jewelry pieces just because they aren’t exactly the way you want them to be. You can make them into the piece that is perfect just for YOU. We hope these money saving tips for thrift store jewelry shopping were helpful and you can use them in the future.

Do you have any tips when it comes to this? Share your favorite thrift store jewelry hacks in the comments section below. 

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