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5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Find at The Arc Store in Oroville

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02/26/2014 10:38 AM

5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Find at The Arc Store in Oroville

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157517830Do you love shopping? Even more specifically, do you love the rush you get when you find a really good deal on something and get to save your cash? Are you continually looking for more ways to save money? Then you’ll love shopping at the Arc Store in Oroville. Yes, the Arc Store in Oroville is a secondhand store but it’s unlike any other. Along with quality used items we also sell brand new stuff! Did you know that?

Read More 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Find at The Arc Store in Oroville

Good Reasons for Secondhand Shopping in Chico

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02/26/2014 10:19 AM

Good Reasons for Secondhand Shopping in Chico

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Let’s face it; we’re all looking for ways to stretch the budget. What better ways to save money than shopping at secondhand stores? There’s more than one reason to shop secondhand and we’lI give you 5 really good ones. But before we do we just need to make sure you’re not picturing dusty old furniture or dirty ripped clothes piled up in a heap – if you are, then you need to get out more. Now that myth is debunked, the Arc Store Chico prides itself on offering a clean and friendly shopping experience.

Read More Good Reasons for Secondhand Shopping in Chico

7 Tips When Shopping for Used Clothing

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02/26/2014 9:59 AM

7 Tips When Shopping for Used Clothing

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used-clothing153522025Shopping for used clothing is not just for hipsters and Halloween costumes. When you think of the people who go secondhand shopping you might thing of someone in their 20’s or 30’s who values independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art, indie-rock, and creativity (Urban Dictionary). You might also conjure up images of college students and kids trying to put together a Halloween costume than ends up being a cowboy vampire.

Read More 7 Tips When Shopping for Used Clothing
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