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Thank You And Happy Veterans Day From The Arc Stores

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11/07/2015 8:30 AM

Thank You And Happy Veterans Day From The Arc Stores

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Veterans Day is a day to honor those who have served and given their life for our country’s freedom. The Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise and Oroville want to truly thank all of the veterans that have served for our country. Without individuals like you, we wouldn’t have the country that we do.

If you are a veteran—Thank You.

Thank you from The Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise and Oroville and all of our employees. Here at The Arc Store we would like to honor those who are actively serving as well as retired veterans with 25% off non-sale items on Monday and Tuesday, Nov 9th & 10th at our Chico and Paradise locations, and Tuesday Nov 10th at our Oroville location. We will be closed on Wednesday in honor of Veterans Day.

Here’s a list of other companies that want to thank you by providing a discount or free meal: 2015 Veterans Day Free Meals and Discounts 

Here are a few examples of discounts in our area:  Read More Thank You And Happy Veterans Day From The Arc Stores

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Say “I Do” to a Dream Wedding by Shopping at Your Local Thrift Store

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10/29/2015 2:53 AM

Say “I Do” to a Dream Wedding by Shopping at Your Local Thrift Store

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With all of life’s financial commitments and obligations, the last thing a newly married couple needs is more accrued debt! However, it really is possible to create the dream wedding you’ve envisioned utilizing a local thrift store as your go-to resource for just about everything you’ll need. In fact, thrift store weddings on a dime are in style even for those who can afford to splurge on every whim. So why not responsibly recycle and imaginatively repurpose wonderful goods for your magical day? Read More Say “I Do” to a Dream Wedding by Shopping at Your Local Thrift Store

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Shop Smart & Host Holiday Events on a Budget [Event Budget Template]

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10/28/2015 5:12 AM

Shop Smart & Host Holiday Events on a Budget [Event Budget Template]

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woman who likes to shop smart during the holidaysSo you want to have a holiday party but are worried about sticking to a budget? Join the club, my friend! We’re here to help you shop smart with some tips on how to create a champagne style party on a beer budget. It can be done! Plus, we’ve included a free event budget template for you at the end.

Read More Shop Smart & Host Holiday Events on a Budget [Event Budget Template]
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Best of Chico: The Arc Store Wins 13th Year in a Row

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10/21/2015 5:03 AM

Best of Chico: The Arc Store Wins 13th Year in a Row

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The results are in! The Best of Chico businesses were announced last week and we’re ecstatic to share with you the results. Why are we so excited? Well, we may have happened to win in a section.

Read More Best of Chico: The Arc Store Wins 13th Year in a Row
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Creative Halloween Costume Ideas at Thrift Stores Near Me

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10/14/2015 4:31 AM

Creative Halloween Costume Ideas at Thrift Stores Near Me

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Halloween_characters_graphicWant a cheap and easy Halloween costume this year? We don’t blame you! It’s silly to pay full price for a small and flimsy costume when you can find something original that you can put together from a thrift store near you.

Read More Creative Halloween Costume Ideas at Thrift Stores Near Me
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Creative Ways to Save Money When Decorating for Fall

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10/09/2015 9:00 AM

Creative Ways to Save Money When Decorating for Fall

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front_porch_decorated_for_fallLeaves are falling from the trees, turning orange, brown and red. Pumpkin spice items are everywhere. You start putting a jacket on during the evenings and snuggle up in your bed under the blankets. What do all of these things mean? Fall.

Read More Creative Ways to Save Money When Decorating for Fall
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Inexpensive Bachelor Party Ideas That Guarantee a Good Time

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10/05/2015 4:00 AM

Inexpensive Bachelor Party Ideas That Guarantee a Good Time

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Group_of_guys_celebratingYou’re probably reading this blog right now because you have been put in charge of throwing someone’s bachelor party. It may be your brother, best friend or relative and you are trying to figure out what in the heck you’re going to do, especially since everyone is on a budget. Read More Inexpensive Bachelor Party Ideas That Guarantee a Good Time

Learn How Second Hand Stores Can Save You Money on Outdoor Gear

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09/28/2015 11:58 AM

Learn How Second Hand Stores Can Save You Money on Outdoor Gear

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camping gear from second hand storesAre you looking to squeeze in one more camping trip before winter hits? We’ve already passed our last day of summer and are now into fall, so really there’s no point to go out and buy all brand new gear. You know a good spot to check for cheap outdoor gear this time of year? Second hand stores!

Read More Learn How Second Hand Stores Can Save You Money on Outdoor Gear

Find Your Oktoberfest Outfit at the Arc Store in Chico

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09/21/2015 10:42 AM

Find Your Oktoberfest Outfit at the Arc Store in Chico

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couple_dressed_in_Oktoberfest_outfitsBeer, brats and polka music—that must mean it’s Oktoberfest time! You’re only missing one thing, your Oktoberfest outfit.

Have you ever thought about looking for your Oktoberfest outfit at the Arc Store in Chico? You never know what you can find at a thrift store, so come dig around and take a look. You may be surprised.

Read More Find Your Oktoberfest Outfit at the Arc Store in Chico

Do’s & Don’ts: How to Shop at the Arc Store for Wine Weekend Attire

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08/31/2015 1:16 AM

Do’s & Don’ts: How to Shop at the Arc Store for Wine Weekend Attire

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With the Sierra Oro Farm Trail wine weekend fast approaching, a guide for how to dress for wine tasting is much needed. Sometimes it’s tricky to figure out what to actually wear to a winery, especially if you have never been before. We’ve compiled the do’s and don’ts of how to dress for a wine weekend, so that you don’t find yourself embarrassed or out of place.

Read More Do’s & Don’ts: How to Shop at the Arc Store for Wine Weekend Attire
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