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Thrift Store Tips: How to Upcycle Wall Art

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06/15/2015 10:08 AM

Thrift Store Tips: How to Upcycle Wall Art

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thrift_store_tipsThrift stores are full of old wall art that has been donated by people who no longer want it or think it’s outdated or junk. However, the saying is definitely true; “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” because some of these wall art pieces you can find are amazing and can be made even more “hip” and artsy by adding your own creative flare. Plus, it’s a cheap way to add design to your home! Keep reading for tips for upcycling wall art.

Read More Thrift Store Tips: How to Upcycle Wall Art

How to Stick to a Budget & Still Have Fun During Chico Summers

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06/08/2015 1:20 AM

How to Stick to a Budget & Still Have Fun During Chico Summers

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summerYay for summertime! A double yay for summertime in Chico. There are so many fun things to do in Chico, California during the summertime, but unfortunately you are on a budget. What gives? No need to worry! If you didn’t know already, there are so many things to do in Chico that are fun and adventurous that cost nearly nothing or are free.

Read More How to Stick to a Budget & Still Have Fun During Chico Summers
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Money Saving Tips: Fun Activities to Do With Dad That Won’t Cost A Lot

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06/01/2015 11:30 AM

Money Saving Tips: Fun Activities to Do With Dad That Won’t Cost A Lot

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Father’s Day is coming up. It’s a day to celebrate, thank and honor your father for raising you, being there for you and ultimately being a dad!

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Camping 101: Thrifty Ways to Save Money

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05/25/2015 1:52 AM

Camping 101: Thrifty Ways to Save Money

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camping_tentsCamping is a great way to go on a vacation that won’t break the bank, however it can still put a nice dent in the wallet if you don’t plan accordingly and know the ins and outs of how to camp. Costs can add up even if you are an experienced camper. Check out these tips on ways to save money while camping. They’ll be sure to come in handy this summer!

Read More Camping 101: Thrifty Ways to Save Money
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How to Shop Used Clothing & Spot a Good Pair of Designer Jeans

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05/22/2015 9:59 AM

How to Shop Used Clothing & Spot a Good Pair of Designer Jeans

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When shopping for used clothing, one of the most rewarding finds is a nice, well-made pair of designer jeans. There are few affordable luxuries that compare to good jeans that also look good on you. This holy grail of high-end clothing is tricky to come by, however, and it’s easy to buy a fake if you aren’t careful. The key to determining whether or not you’re looking at the real deal is in the quality of the materials and the workmanship. Read More How to Shop Used Clothing & Spot a Good Pair of Designer Jeans

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Money Saving Tips to Make Your Wardrobe & Budget Stretch on Vacation

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05/18/2015 4:39 AM

Money Saving Tips to Make Your Wardrobe & Budget Stretch on Vacation

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Woohoo! You’re going on vacation to some place nice and warm, which most likely has a nice sunny and sandy beach to relax and play on. You are on cloud nine just thinking about kicking back in your bikini with a tropical beverage in your hand when suddenly you freak out about how on earth you’re going to possibly fit everything you need into your suitcase. Keep reading to some money saving tips on how to fit everything and not get charged extra for a heavy suitcase.

Read More Money Saving Tips to Make Your Wardrobe & Budget Stretch on Vacation

Money Saving Tips for Farmers’ Markets in Chico, Paradise & Oroville

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05/11/2015 9:22 AM

Money Saving Tips for Farmers’ Markets in Chico, Paradise & Oroville

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farmers_market_vegetables_450798979Farmers’ market season is upon us! Ah, one of my favorite seasons. Are you wondering why? Well, you can get fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and local goods for a reasonable price. Plus, you are supporting farmers in the Chico, Paradise and Oroville area. There’s no better way than to save on fresh food than by visiting your local farmers’ market weekly!

Read More Money Saving Tips for Farmers’ Markets in Chico, Paradise & Oroville
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Cute Baby Clothes You’re Sure to Find at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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05/04/2015 9:33 AM

Cute Baby Clothes You’re Sure to Find at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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moms_with_babies_at_second_hand_clothing_storeBaby clothes are SO CUTE but they are so gosh dang expensive! Sigh. As a parent, you know the trouble with that – it seems like your kids are growing by the minute! As soon as you bring them home from the hospital it’s as if the newborn clothes last for only a week. Can anyone relate?

Read More Cute Baby Clothes You’re Sure to Find at Second Hand Clothing Stores
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Dress for Country Concerts on a Dime at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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04/27/2015 11:11 AM

Dress for Country Concerts on a Dime at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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Yeehaw! It’s time to bust out those cowboy boots and jean shorts, you’ve got a country concert to go to! Ah, one of the best times of the year for country lovers like you and me. There’s nothing quite like feeling the sun beating down on your skin, holding an ice cold overpriced beverage in your hand and singing at the top of your lungs to some good ‘ole country music.

Read More Dress for Country Concerts on a Dime at Second Hand Clothing Stores
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Don’t Want to Rent a Suit for Prom? Visit a Second Hand Clothing Store

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04/20/2015 9:11 AM

Don’t Want to Rent a Suit for Prom? Visit a Second Hand Clothing Store

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Boy_Jumping_In_TuxProm season is upon us! SO much excitement is erupting at school and every teenage girl is anxiously awaiting the day they get to dance the night away with their date. But, guys what about you? That’s right, we’re not forgetting about you. While you are probably excited as well, you’re a bit anxious about spending a couple hundred on a tux rental.

What if you could still have an awesome prom outfit, but have more money left over for a nicer dinner, or for activities after prom? Wouldn’t that be awesome? It can happen! Read More Don’t Want to Rent a Suit for Prom? Visit a Second Hand Clothing Store

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