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3 Home Budgeting Money Saving Tips for 2015

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01/02/2015 9:22 AM

3 Home Budgeting Money Saving Tips for 2015

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budget_planIf you’ve made a resolution to be more money savvy this year, or set a goal to save a certain amount of money for an emergency fund, family vacation or home improvements, then it’s time to put some money saving tips into action. We’ve given you some ideas below, then it’s up to you to start. Read More 3 Home Budgeting Money Saving Tips for 2015

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5 Money Saving Tips For Buying Workout Clothing

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12/29/2014 2:29 AM

5 Money Saving Tips For Buying Workout Clothing

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saving_money_on_gym_clothes_460388779Can you believe it’s already a new year? You know what that means! New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight and working out is the most popular New Year’s resolution that is made year after year. 

Read More 5 Money Saving Tips For Buying Workout Clothing
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Money Saving Tips: Last Minute Christmas Gifts Under $15

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12/22/2014 9:00 AM

Money Saving Tips: Last Minute Christmas Gifts Under $15

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christmas_presentsIn terms of Christmas shopping time, you’re down to the wire. There’s only a couple more days left before packages need to be under the tree. If you’re on a budget Christmas shopping can be difficult, especially now that time is not on your side. Still, your wallet doesn’t need to be assaulted. Keep reading to discover some money saving tips for Christmas gifts that your family, friends and bank account will love. 

Read More Money Saving Tips: Last Minute Christmas Gifts Under $15
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5 Festive Ways to Save Money on Stocking Stuffers This Christmas

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12/15/2014 9:36 AM

5 Festive Ways to Save Money on Stocking Stuffers This Christmas

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boy_with_stockingIt’s two weeks until Christmas and you finally have all of your shopping done. You exited the last store yesterday, wrapped the last present this afternoon and can finally put your feet up and relax. Wait! You forgot about the stocking stuffers. Eek! This is a tradition and your kids would be so sad if they woke up to an empty stocking. Christmas shopping has really stretched your budget this year and you would desperately like to save money without sacrificing good stocking stuffers. What to do?

Read More 5 Festive Ways to Save Money on Stocking Stuffers This Christmas
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Give Back: Donate Gently Used Clothing to Local Second Hand Stores

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12/08/2014 9:35 AM

Give Back: Donate Gently Used Clothing to Local Second Hand Stores

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166668169Are you running out of room in your closet now that you had to bring in your winter apparel from storage?  Every time something comes out of the wash are you trying to cram that sweater in and have to use your muscles and develop a strategy to do so? We think it’s time for you to donate your gently used clothing to local second hand stores!

Read More Give Back: Donate Gently Used Clothing to Local Second Hand Stores
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[NEWS] The Arc Stores Celebrate International Day of Persons With Disabilities

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12/03/2014 3:00 AM

[NEWS] The Arc Stores Celebrate International Day of Persons With Disabilities

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support_the_arc_storesThe observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992. The objective was– and is– to foster an international increase in general understanding of disability issues, and through true understanding, to garner interest in and– support for –the dignity, rights, and well-being of persons with disability. So many gains have been realized from this exercise in basic understanding of our human condition. The full integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life is an everyday mission at the Arc Stores of Butte County, and one we enjoy with all of our hearts!

Read More [NEWS] The Arc Stores Celebrate International Day of Persons With Disabilities

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6 Ways to Save Money & Not Go Broke Buying Christmas Gifts

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12/01/2014 9:53 AM

6 Ways to Save Money & Not Go Broke Buying Christmas Gifts

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christmas_shoppingChristmas shopping can be financially stressful, especially if you have a lot of friends and family to get gifts for. You definitely should keep reading if you want some ways to save money on Christmas gifts this year. Your wallet will thank you! 

Read More 6 Ways to Save Money & Not Go Broke Buying Christmas Gifts
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5 Genius Ways to Save Money on Black Friday

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11/24/2014 9:59 AM

5 Genius Ways to Save Money on Black Friday

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blackfridayYou’re here because you want to learn how to save money on Black Friday, right? Great! These five tips will be sure to save you some time and money this coming shopping day. You’ll be so happy with the amount of cash you saved that you won’t even care about the masses of people, long waiting lines and that rude woman who stole the last pair of jeans out of your hands.

Read More 5 Genius Ways to Save Money on Black Friday
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Meet All Your Holiday Hosting Needs at the Arc Second Hand Stores

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11/12/2014 12:54 PM

Meet All Your Holiday Hosting Needs at the Arc Second Hand Stores

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holiday gathering second hand storesAre you ready for the holidays? Sometimes it seems like you get asked this question way too often, especially when you’re not. Have you considered shopping at second hand stores for your holiday needs? There’s always a rush to get things ready around the house for the holiday season. First, the yard that keeps getting deeper and deeper in leaves and pine needles. Then there’s all the old holiday decorations that just barely made it through last winter which still need to be found, brought out, tested and put up.

Read More Meet All Your Holiday Hosting Needs at the Arc Second Hand Stores

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How to Shop Second Hand Clothing Stores for Your Wedding Dress

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11/03/2014 9:08 AM

How to Shop Second Hand Clothing Stores for Your Wedding Dress

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453567001Are you planning a wedding and are trying to figure out how to save some money? You’ve come to the right place! Did you know you can shop second hand clothing stores for your wedding dress and still look amazingly beautiful on the big day? That’s right! Keep reading for tips on how to find the best dress at a great price!

Read More How to Shop Second Hand Clothing Stores for Your Wedding Dress
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