All posts by Tara Garcia

Behind The Scenes at the Arc Store in Chico

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10/10/2014 3:56 AM

Behind The Scenes at the Arc Store in Chico

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behind the scenes at the arc store in chicoIf you have ever shopped at the Arc Store in Chico you know that there is a huge array of items available for purchase. We accept donations every day and rely on those donations to keep the store full of quality items for sale. The Arc Store sells only the best of what we get and has a high quality standard.

Have you ever wondered what we do with those items that do not end up being sold in the store? You may be surprised to know that we are able to use most of the un-sellable items in a way that benefits the Arc of Butte County. Here is a list of ways we use the donated goods when they cannot be sold in the store.

Read More Behind The Scenes at the Arc Store in Chico

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Save Money on Back to School Shopping at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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08/14/2014 9:30 AM

Save Money on Back to School Shopping at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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It’s that time of year again! The kids are headed back to school and we all know what that means: back to school shopping. This can be a fun and exciting time, but also a very stressful time if you don’t have the time or money to get it done. So, challenge yourself to create your children’s school wardrobe by shopping at second hand clothing stores.

Read More Save Money on Back to School Shopping at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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5 Ways to Revive Used Clothing in Your Closet From the Arc Stores

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06/04/2014 9:00 AM

5 Ways to Revive Used Clothing in Your Closet From the Arc Stores

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used_clothing_-_jeans_and_scissorsWe’ve all seen the movies. We’ve read the Cosmo articles. We’ve talked with friends. We all know women LOVE clothing and we all know that shopping is FUN. Getting to show off your new look and hearing, “That shirt is so cute! Where did you get it?” feels great. But think about this: wouldn’t it be better to still feel all of those things while spending little to NO MONEY doing so? You have used clothing right? Of course you do! You can also score a great deal on a high priced item by shopping at the Arc Store in Chico.

Read More 5 Ways to Revive Used Clothing in Your Closet From the Arc Stores

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Spring Cleaning Like a Pro: Get Rid of Your Used Clothing and More

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04/23/2014 2:37 AM

Spring Cleaning Like a Pro: Get Rid of Your Used Clothing and More

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donating_used_clothing_and_toysStart your spring cleaning off right this year! Make the most of your time by getting rid of your family’s used clothing, toys and media. Starting with these tips to get rid of item taking up space and make it easier to complete all of your other spring cleaning projects.

Here are a few tips to make these tasks fun and easy for the whole family.

1. Set a goal

Sometimes it’s hard to decide which items you are willing to part with whether it be a childhood toy or that expensive sweater you bought 5 years ago and have never worn. Setting a goal for each member of your family will make it easy to get rid of a significant amount of unnecessary belongings. One way to do this can be to require each member of your family to get rid of a certain number of things. For example, everyone must find 10 articles of used clothing to part with. Another way is to hand each person a paper bag and require everyone to fill ‘er up!

2. Make it fun

Finding fun ways to involve your children in the spring cleaning process can be hard. A great way to sort through their used clothing can be to do a “fashion show.” Allow them to make outfits that they can “model” for you. This will keep your kids busy and happy and you will be able to determine what is too small or too worn out.

3. Transition to digital

Most forms of entertainment these days are accessed electronically through forums such as Netflix, iTunes and Facebook. A great first step to clearing things out is to upload your favorite CDs to a digital music library. From there, you can transfer music to your smartphone, iPod or tablet. This is a safe way to keep your music from being lost or damaged. It will also allow you to get rid of those bulky CDs and cases. You can also scan things like documents (old tax returns, bank statements, etc.) and photos so that you can either get rid of those big boxes or move them to an “out of the way” location such as a storage unit, attic, etc. Another easy task it to sort through DVDs and VHS. Many movies are available for free online and through cable/subscription providers making it easy to clear out the DVD shelf. 

4. Pick a cause

A great motivator may be picking a cause or organization that could make use of your used clothing and other unwanted goods. Knowing that others will benefit from your items can make it easier to get rid of things since you know they will be greatly valued and appreciated. Great places to donate your items include homeless shelters and charitable organizations.

The ARC Stores also greatly appreciate the donations we receive whether it is used clothing or a used car. Here is the link to find out how and what you can donate. We accept donations at all three of our locations every day during normal business hours.

Read More Spring Cleaning Like a Pro: Get Rid of Your Used Clothing and More

7 Ways to Save Money with Smart Shopping in Chico

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03/28/2014 3:12 AM

7 Ways to Save Money with Smart Shopping in Chico

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ArcChicoA short walk around Downtown Chico gives you access to dozens of local shops, restaurants and small businesses. If you need to shop in big box retailers they are only a short drive away, but having easy access to all of these smaller retailers can be extremely convenient. It can also make it hard deciding where your money is best spent. Have you considered the Arc Stores?

Read More 7 Ways to Save Money with Smart Shopping in Chico
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