10 Ways to Save Money on Your Prom Outfit This Year

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04/03/2015 3:29 AM

10 Ways to Save Money on Your Prom Outfit This Year

prom_coupleFor most high school young ladies and young men, prom is a very important event, and everything has to be perfect – from the outfit to the arrival.

Unfortunately for parents, making prom perfect isn’t cheap. Even a fairly modest prom can cost upwards of several hundred dollars. If you don’t have that kind of cash, don’t worry. Slashing the costs doesn’t mean that you have to dash your daughter’s dreams for the night. You can easily save money without it being obvious that you’ve done so, as long as you know where to cut costs. Here are a few ways to save money.

The Young Man’s Outfit

1.  Don’t Wear a Tux
Just because it is prom doesn’t mean that a tux is required. Many prom-goers opt for suits or khaki pants and sports jackets. Both of those options are acceptable and are becoming more of a trend. This is one of the best ways to save money on men’s formal wear, especially if your son already owns a suit.

2.  Buy Instead of Renting
Surprisingly, sometimes it costs less to buy a tux than it does to rent one. This is especially true if your son will be attending more than one prom. Also check eBay and Craigslist for used tuxedos and suits. When prom is over, you can always resell or donate it.  

3. Shop Around
Go to as many menswear stores and thrift stores as possible to gather information on prices. Then use that information to negotiate. Tuxedo shops have a lot of competition during prom season and may be willing to work with you. Also, get a group of your son’s friends together and see if the store will offer a discount if they all get their tux at the same place.

4. Be Open to Style and Brand
Don’t be afraid to go with an off-brand. No one will have any idea, or care, if the tuxedo is Tommy Hilfiger or Ralph Lauren.

5. Pass on Renting Accessories
Top hats, canes, and pocket squares might make for more fun pictures, but they all cost extra. Save the money on unnecessary accessories. Plus, some of these items could easily be misplaced or stolen during the long evening.

The Young Lady’s Outfit

6. Borrow the Dress
My younger sister wore all of my prom and homecoming dresses in following years. So not only did my parents get multiple uses out of the dresses, my sister never wore the same dress as anyone else since she was wearing the last season’s style. If your daughter has friends at other schools, they can also swap dresses with each other.

7. Shop Out of Season
Just like with wedding dresses, prom dresses can be found at bargain prices during the off-season. Consider shopping well in advance for next year’s prom or even right after this year’s prom when dresses will be on clearance.

8. Buy a Used Dress
Prom dresses tend to be in pretty good shape after being worn just once. Consider buying a used dress at a discount. Then sell it again after prom is over.

9. Keep an Open Mind
Encourage your daughter to try on as many dresses as possible while out shopping. Dresses tend to look different on the rack than they do on a person. And don’t let her get caught up in brand names. There are plenty of knock-offs that are much cheaper – and no one will know the difference.

10. Swap Shoes
Just like with the dress, your daughter can easily borrow shoes from friends who are the same size. If your daughter is unable to swap shoes, remember that you can often find stylish shoes in inexpensive shops like Payless and Marshall’s, or even thrift shops like The Arc Store so there’s no need to go overboard buying expensive shoes that will only be worn once.

Final Word

Prom is a big deal to teenagers, but it’s only one night out of their entire lives. It shouldn’t cost a fortune – especially when college costs are looming on the horizon. Talk to your kids about the budget you’ve set aside for the prom and work together on ways to save money, without squashing the fun. That way, you’re teaching your kids how to be responsible with money and bonding with them during the planning process at the same time.

Here are a few other blogs that will advise you about saving money on clothing.

Money Saving Tips When Buying Your Winter Wardrobe

How to Shop Second Hand Clothing Stores for Your Wedding Dress

Start shopping for your prom dress at the Arc Store – bring in the coupon below to save even more!

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