3 Home Budgeting Money Saving Tips for 2015

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01/02/2015 9:22 AM

3 Home Budgeting Money Saving Tips for 2015

budget_planIf you’ve made a resolution to be more money savvy this year, or set a goal to save a certain amount of money for an emergency fund, family vacation or home improvements, then it’s time to put some money saving tips into action. We’ve given you some ideas below, then it’s up to you to start.

Tip #1. Take a little time to make a plan and (stick to it)

Resolve to steer clear of those “inexpensive” impulse buys at the grocery store, drug store, or department store, and shop intentionally for absolutely everything you purchase.  If it’s not on your well-thought out list, you really don’t need it. 

Consider shopping second hand sometimes. Everyone knows you can get great clothing, furniture and small appliances at resale shops, but how about shopping there for all those small, incidental kinds of purchases which really add up? Party platters, napkins, decorations, and extra wine glasses, can be purchased at a fraction of the cost at second hand stores like the Arc.

Take advantage of coupons, promotional gasoline, and “points” retail offerings whenever and wherever you can. They really add up and are there for the taking.

Don’t give in to convenience when shopping! Plan trips to the market after coupons come out in the newspaper, and plan your meals around what’s on sale. Take a few moments to search a few new recipe ideas if the sale items aren’t your usual fare, and spice up your life a bit while saving on your grocery budget. (I’ve heard that the healthiest, and most reasonably priced food items may be found around the grocery store’s outer walls…the products on the interior aisles are often convenient, but less healthy and more costly. You’ll save on time shopping as well!)

Tip #2.  Conserve resources, save money (and the environment)

Dial down the thermostat and throw on the snug sweater grandma gave you for Christmas. Added benefit: when she asks, you can truthfully say you wear it a lot and love it! 

Make sure the lights are all off when not in use. Place multiple appliances in a room on a surge protector which may be turned off when you are not at home.

Inspect irrigation lines for leaks this frosty time of year, and make those pesky small repairs before big ones are needed. Set timers appropriately given your region and rainfall.

Think about budgeting for updated insulation, roofing or improved window treatments for long-term home budget savings and comfort. Check out these Energy Saving Tips from Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

Evaluate your family’s cell phone, TV, and internet usage realistically, and think about what is essential in 2015. You may not be popular around the dinner table, but there are so many promotions to consider this time of year, and quite possibly ways to save. 

Invest in a car tune-up/check-up for better gas efficiency, but consider taking out that beautiful bike you wanted for Christmas last year and still haven’t used yet, or even walk to your destination. (What a concept!)

Tip #3.  Consider your health. Healthcare costs can really drain a family’s home budget.

Maybe it is time to quit. Quit Smoking, eating poorly, drinking excessively, being sedentary, thinking negatively…

Or, maybe it is time to begin. Begin eating a healthy diet (fast food is not cheap!), going for that long-overdue physical check-up, working out consistently, bird watching, volunteering, budgeting time for yourself each day, etc.

The very best money saving tips for your home budget this year will be more effective if you begin with budgeting enough of your time to just think about it. The tough choices seem much less disagreeable when you and your family also think about what you plan to do with the money you will save each week! 

Less stress and the positive feeling that your home budget thriftiness has improved your family’s quality of life seems like a great reason to begin the new year with a new look at creative money saving tips.

Can you find just three ways to save money on your home budget this New Year? Every little bit helps!

If you like the idea of shopping at second hand stores, download the free tips & tricks below to get started!


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