4 Fashion Trends for 2015 You Can Find at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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01/09/2015 12:05 PM

4 Fashion Trends for 2015 You Can Find at Second Hand Clothing Stores

African_Woman_in_Suede_JacketFashion trends are quickly changing on a continuous basis with the New Year bringing a flood of interesting and fresh fashion trends. These trends are born on the runways and trickle down to department stores and even second hand clothing stores. Start the New Year right by getting the newest trends into your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

Here are 4 new fashion trends for 2015 that you can get by shopping at second hand clothing stores:

Polo Shirts

Polo shirts are popping up on the runways and are sure to make a big splash in 2015. You can thank various designers including Polo Ralph Lauren and Tory Burch for the comeback of these classics. Polo shirts have been popular throughout the years and are an easy find at your local second hand clothing stores. If you want to nail this fashion trend, search for polo shirts in yellow, white, black and white, or blue and white. These are the hottest colors and color combos for spring 2015.  

White Jeans

Most women have owned at least one pair of white jeans in their life and you either loved them or hated them. If you are someone who appreciates this bold statement then you should be happy to know that they are back with a vengeance for 2015. The popularity of white jeans comes and goes quickly so it is super easy to find the perfect, quality pair at any second hand clothing store for the coming year. It appears that you won’t have to wait until spring to rock this look; pairing your new white jeans with an oversized sweater is a great way to put this look to use in the start of the New Year.


The 70’s are back for 2015 which means that we will be seeing a lot of flared jeans, leather jackets and anything suede. Investing in a new suede statement piece may be above the average person’s budget. Luckily suede is one of the most durable textiles so it is easy to pick up a used suede jacket or skirt that looks new. Targeting your local vintage clothing boutiques may be your best bet for scoring amazing suede. Etsy is a great place to get the best that vintage clothing has to offer.


We all know that fringe was in for 2014 but 2015 is all about tassels (I like to think of tassel as fringe’s prettier, skinnier little sister). Decorative tassels are all over the runway for 2015 in various colors, fabrics and styles. Although most tassels seen within the last few decades have been mostly in costumes, remember that they were hugely popular in the 1920’s and have popped up from time to time. This is another trend that is likely to be found at vintage clothing stores. Pinterest is a great resource for DIY tassel fashion

This is just a peek at what is hitting the fashion arena for 2015, but starting with these 4 easy looks will get your year off to a fresh, fashionable start. Don’t be stuck in last season’s ensembles when you can look like a fashionista by shopping at second hand clothing stores.

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