4 Ways to Be a Thrift Store Shopper for Your Baby

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11/16/2015 2:35 AM

4 Ways to Be a Thrift Store Shopper for Your Baby


Whether we’re talking baby boys or baby girls, shopping for babies is so enjoyable. Everything is miniature and adorable. It’s fun to pick out cute outfits, handmade blankets, furniture, fun toys or classic books. You can keep your baby outfitted in all the best looks without spending a lot of money by shopping at thrift stores. You can find a greater variety of items because you’re stretching your dollar further. Here are some great tips on how to become a good thrift store shopper for your baby.

Tip #1 –  Have Your Duckies in a Row

Organization is the name of the game when you’re shopping for your baby. Make sure you prepare a list of items that you want to buy before you run out the door. Make a detailed list of the things that you’ll need, by categories, to save you time. If you know the layout of the thrift store you’re going to, you can even map out which sections to go to first. Prioritizing is important because time is precious. Babies are cute and fun to shop for, but moms need to be efficient.

Tip #2 – Stick to Your Guns

Stick to your list and stay within your budget. If you’re disciplined and do both of these things, you’ll become a good thrift store shopper. You and your baby will reap the benefits if you can resist all the goodies and deals that you’ll find along the way. It’s easy to give in and load up your shopping cart with miscellaneous items just because they’re great deals. But, this won’t be good for you, your budget or your baby. Part of learning how to shop for your baby is staying focused and keeping within your means.

Tip # 3 – Hunt like a Mama Lion

Your goal is to become a skilled thrift store shopper. Remember, time and money are of the essence as you hunt for the treasures on your list. Keep your eye on the prize and go directly to the sections in the store that will have the items that you’ll need to buy. Just proceed to the clothes racks, the linen bins, the bookshelves and the furniture department and pounce on the great deals you find.

Tip #4 – Be Savvy and Selective

You can become a shrewd thrift store shopper by choosing the right kinds of items to buy. Picking out the correct sizes of clothes with the best fabrics is key. When buying furniture, be selective because it must be safe. When purchasing linens, quality and comfort is important. When considering toys choose ones that are intact, kid-friendly, and age-appropriate.

Using these tips to help you shop for your baby will make you a smart thrift store shopper in no time. Next time you go shopping for your baby visit your local Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise and Oroville and see what treasures you’ll find for your precious bundle of joy.

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