5 Festive Ways to Save Money on Stocking Stuffers This Christmas

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12/15/2014 9:36 AM

5 Festive Ways to Save Money on Stocking Stuffers This Christmas

boy_with_stockingIt’s two weeks until Christmas and you finally have all of your shopping done. You exited the last store yesterday, wrapped the last present this afternoon and can finally put your feet up and relax. Wait! You forgot about the stocking stuffers. Eek! This is a tradition and your kids would be so sad if they woke up to an empty stocking. Christmas shopping has really stretched your budget this year and you would desperately like to save money without sacrificing good stocking stuffers. What to do?

No need to worry! We have some amazing festive ways to save money on stocking stuffers. You won’t even have to sacrifice anything, because these stuffers will be just as good as any you’ve done in the past; the only thing that’s different is you will be saving some money! Now, that’s enough to put you back in a holly jolly mood, right? 

Gift cards

Think local when it comes to gift cards. Often times places like coffee houses or restaurants will have deals if you buy a certain amount of gift cards you get one free, half off, etc. If you have multiple people to stuff stockings for, this is the way to go. People love gift cards!

Check out your local thrift store

Finding great stocking stuffers is easy-peasy when you visit your local thrift store. Especially if you are able to go to the Arc Store in Chico, Oroville or Paradise. Often times you can find cool pieces of jewelry or knick-knacks to stuff a stocking with.

Buy in bulk

Buying stuff in bulk doesn’t always save you money, but for stuffing stockings it definitely will! A great place to buy in bulk is Costco. They have Chapstick, makeup, books, candy etc. that you can buy in bulk and divvy out between however many stockings you have to stuff. Here’s a trick, when at Costco, look at the price tag above the item, it will show you how much you are paying per item or per pound so that you can see if you are in fact saving money.

Check the clearance aisles 

With Christmas almost here stores are already marking down holiday items. I was jut in Joanne’s the other day and all of their Christmas stuff was already 60 percent off! While you may be limited to holiday items, festive socks, peppermint lip-gloss or a cool ornament make great stocking stuffers.

Offer an experience

If you don’t have the time or money to gather a lot of items to stuff stockings, go this route; Print off a picture of an ice skating rink, upcoming concert, or a destination somewhere and stuff it in the stocking. Offer an experience! The catch here is you MUST follow through with buying the tickets, or actually going there. Otherwise, that’s just mean. Don’t be mean on Christmas. Santa is watching you!

What are some stocking stuffer ideas that you have used in the past, while saving money at the same time? Share in the comment section below! Happy holidays to all. Good luck on your shopping. Come into the Arc Stores and say hi!

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Save even more on your stocking stuffers by downloading the coupon below and taking it with you to the Arc Store!

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