Good Reasons for Secondhand Shopping in Chico

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02/26/2014 10:19 AM

Good Reasons for Secondhand Shopping in Chico

Let’s face it; we’re all looking for ways to stretch the budget. What better ways to save money than shopping at secondhand stores? There’s more than one reason to shop secondhand and we’lI give you 5 really good ones. But before we do we just need to make sure you’re not picturing dusty old furniture or dirty ripped clothes piled up in a heap – if you are, then you need to get out more. Now that myth is debunked, the Arc Store Chico prides itself on offering a clean and friendly shopping experience.

Here are 5 good reasons to give secondhand shopping a try:

1.  Save Money

Even in a good economy it’s smart to stretch your hard earned dollar. On average, used products are generally 50% cheaper – sometimes even more (True Activist)! This gives you the opportunity to put the money you save to other uses, like planning for that vacation or buying organic produce at the local Chico Certified Farmer’s Market if that’s important to you.

2.  Environmentally Friendly

Keep perfectly usable electronics out of the landfill that are routinely thrown away when the next latest and greatest model is released. Not only is being green one of the easy ways to save money, you’re also extending the life of a perfectly good product and cutting down on manufacturing demands, which indirectly helps the Earth.

3.  Support a Good Cause 

It’s nice to know that the money you’re spending stays in the community. The money raised at the Arc Stores in Chico, Oroville and soon Paradise, helps fund the Arc of Butte County’s programs for special needs children and adults with developmental disabilities that offers them the chance to learn valuable skills, work experience, social skills, and build their self-esteem.

4.  Good Quality

This might seem counterintuitive, but the Arc Stores in Chico and Oroville have both used and new clothing as well. Retailers with extra inventory will often donate it to secondhand stores. Plus, at the Arc Store we take great pride in the selection we offer, so if wouldn’t wear it, we won’t sell it!

5.  It’s Fun! 

Not only does secondhand shopping offer you ways to save money, it’s also an adventure – like a treasure hunt! You never know what you will find and that’s the beauty of it. It’s also satisfying because you know you’ll come away with more money in your pocket than if you were shopping at large retail stores. It can be quite a thrill and you’ll end up wanting to challenge yourself to see what great items you can find next time.

Secondhand shopping offers fun, easy ways to save money. We’ve given you 5 reasons to give it a try, but we’re sure once you start you’ll come up with a lot more. We get new items donated everyday. Plus there’s always a daily “Manager’s Special.” You never know what you will find at the Arc Store in Chico.

To start your secondhand shopping experience, visit the $5 off page and save even more!
