6 Things the Arc Store of Butte County is Thankful for

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11/26/2014 10:24 AM

6 Things the Arc Store of Butte County is Thankful for

The Arc of Butte County is a non-profit organization. We have been serving individuals with developmental disabilities since 1953. We work very hard to help these individuals and their families have meaningful lives. Better yet, our Day Program Clients can earn a paycheck. The Arc Stores in Chico, Oroville, and Paradise give our clients the opportunity to learn social skills, work experience, and also helps them build self-esteem. The Arc Store is thankful for so much.


Oroville Day Program Clients

1. Day Program Clients

While we are spending countless hours helping our clients with so many things that might normally come natural to us, they are teaching us so much in return. Our clients teach us to be thankful and appreciate what we have, what we work for, and our goals. Without our clients we don’t have a purpose. We are here to serve them.

2. Donors

Without our donors we wouldn’t be able to fill our second hand stores with valuable goods and merchandise. All of the proceeds from your donations go right back into our community.  Some of our large local donors are Rabobank and Lundberg Family Farms. If you would like to donate please click here to learn more.

3. Supportive Community

The Arc Store is thankful for the people of our communities. When you shop at local second hand stores, you’re helping provide money for our programs like parenting and kids programs.

4. Instructors

We are also thankful for people willing to teach. People that spend the time to work side by side with our clients. Our instructors teach our clients critical life skills, such as how to grocery shop, cook, provide for their families, and even the skills to maintain a job.

5. Diversity

Without diversity, life would be boring. We’re thankful for not only the diversity of our day program clients, but also the diversity that comes with our customers. With the Arc Store having such a wide diversity of shoppers we are able to provide goods to more individuals across Butte County.

6. Employment 

The Arc of Butte County provides employment for over 1000 individuals in and around Butte County. Some of the jobs that Arc provides consists of  working in one of our thrift stores, serving as an instructor, ILS instructor (independent living skills), or serving as a respite worker. 

If you would like more information about our organization or how to donate please contact us today!

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