6 Ways to Save Money & Not Go Broke Buying Christmas Gifts

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12/01/2014 9:53 AM

6 Ways to Save Money & Not Go Broke Buying Christmas Gifts

christmas_shoppingChristmas shopping can be financially stressful, especially if you have a lot of friends and family to get gifts for. You definitely should keep reading if you want some ways to save money on Christmas gifts this year. Your wallet will thank you! 

1.  Shop at a Second Hand Store 

Second hand stores and thrift shops are a great place to find a Christmas gift for a family member, friend or significant other. There is something for everyone. At some second hand clothing stores they even sell things that have the tags on them and are completely new. The Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise and Oroville do this and have trendy fashion!

2.  Shop Early

If you buy gifts gradually over a couple months leading up to Christmas you will save money. Instead, when you wait until the last minute, you are rushed and give in to prices, which increase around the holidays—don’t let Black Friday fool you. Procrastinators estimated that they spent at least $250 more than early birds. Studies done by the American Research Group have even shown that the earlier you start your shopping, the less you are likely to spend. 

3.  Get Crafty

A good Christmas gift doesn’t have to be expensive or come from a store. Sometimes it’s even better if you make it. It shows you care, spent time on making something and put your own thought and love into the project. Whether you make a photo frame collage or glitter wine glasses, it’s the thought that counts!

4.  Give an Experience 

There are some people who value the experience of going and doing something and creating a memory. Going on an excursion, trip, concert etc. may be a better bang for your buck instead of spending money on materialistic items that they really don’t care about.

Plus, if you are most likely going to go see a concert, for example, why not use it as a gift. Kill two birds with one stone! 

5.  Bake

If you have a lot of gifts to give, baking is the way to go! Look up some holiday treat recipes, put on your apron and channel your inner Betty Crocker! Pretty much everyone loves baked good and you can’t go wrong with offering up a treat basket. Use Pinterest to find fun recipes.

6.  Don’t Buy For You

We know it’s tempting when you are out Christmas shopping for your friends and family and you see things that you like. You may think to yourself, oh it’s just a $10 scarf. But, those little gifts to yourself add up!

In fact, 59% of Americans reported buying “me” gifts during their holiday shopping last year, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF) — the highest number it has ever reported. Even worse, self-shoppers said they spent an average of $140 on themselves.

While it may be hard, if you want ways to save money, avoid shopping for yourself and stay strict to your list.

We hope these tips will help you save money this holiday season! Remember to have fun and don’t stress about money, it will make your Christmas more enjoyable! Happy Holidays!

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Get started on your holiday shopping today by visiting the Arc Store and bringing the coupon below in with you!

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