7 Incredibly Smart Ways to Save Money on Your Back-to-School Shopping

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07/31/2014 9:00 AM

7 Incredibly Smart Ways to Save Money on Your Back-to-School Shopping

Summer is soon coming to an end and back-to-school shopping is almost here! For many, this is a favorite time of year. Who doesn’t love getting new clothes and stocking up on fun office supplies? There is one thing though that isn’t so cool—spending money! Keep reading to find out ways to save money on your back-to-school shopping this year.

back-to-school shopping

1. Make a List

Have a list and stick to it! There are a lot of temptations in the retail world and it’s easy to navigate off the path. If you have a list you’ll be more likely to stick to what you really need, instead of unnecessary things that you want.

2. Start Early

Don’t wait until the last minute to go school shopping! Yes, for some things like supplies, you can wait until all the sales start but for other things like clothes, sometimes you aren’t getting the best deal. Clothing companies know you will be shopping for back to school clothes and will advertise sales but really the prices are hyped up and you’re not saving much money after all.

Start shopping a few weeks prior to when school sales will start—beginning of summer is best. As soon as July or August hits you’re deep into back-to-school shopping sales.

3. Track Sales

Have you ever gotten home and checked your bank account and had a mini heart attack? Yep, I think we’ve all been there. You can prevent that feeling this year by tracking what you are spending at each store. Give yourself a limit of what you want to spend and be mindful of it.

4. Have a Clothing Swap

Whether you are back-to-school shopping for your kids or for yourself, put together a clothing swap! You can organize it with fellow moms in the neighborhood or your friends! It’s a great way to feel like you have a brand new wardrobe without spending, well, anything. What’s better than that?

5. Rent Textbooks

If you’re able to, renting textbooks can save a huge chunk of money, especially for a college student. Renting books is also a way to be a little bit more “green.” Double score!

Some good textbook rental sites are:



Campus Book Rentals

6. Stock Up On Supplies

Supplies like notebooks, pens and highlighters are SUPER cheap during back-to-school shopping. These products are where you really are getting a deal during the sale, unlike many clothing stores. To save money for supplies you may need in the near future stock up. Pick up 5 extra pads of paper—you know you’ll eventually use them anyway. You’ll be thanking us come spring, when notebooks are $8 each. Yuck.

7. Visit Your Local Thrift Store

As always, visiting a thrift store can dramatically save you money for pretty much any occasion! You can find clothes, shoes, jewelry, backpacks and any furniture you may need to start the school year! Think thrift stores have a bad rap? Check out the free download below to bust any misunderstandings you might have.
