7 Money Saving Tips for Planning a Memorial Day BBQ

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05/20/2015 5:00 AM

7 Money Saving Tips for Planning a Memorial Day BBQ

memorial_day_bbqWith Memorial Day weekend just around the corner, we’re all looking for ways to beat the heat and have a great time without breaking the bank. Your local Arc Store has some money saving tips for your Memorial Day BBQ, and some other fun ideas too!

1.  Get Friends and Family on Board!

Let’s face it, everyone loves a good backyard BBQ but sometimes playing host/hostess can be taxing. Wouldn’t it be great if we could all take part in the planning and cost of parties? That way no one has to be responsible for all the preparation or the clean-up.

A potluck party is a great way to make a gathering into a group effort. Host a BBQ in your backyard and provide the main dish or some meat for grilling, and tell friends and family to come bearing their favorite side dishes. The menu will be more interesting and everyone will have a fraction of the cost of preparing an entire meal. BYOB (bring your own beverage) is another great way to cut cost since drinks can get expensive – and boy does this heat make guests thirsty!

2.  Use Second Hand Supplies

Think of all the disposable plates, cups, and forks you threw away after your last party. Doesn’t it feel just awful to spend money on paper plates? You’re basically throwing money directly in the trash can. How many times have you set down your red Solo cup and immediately lost it in the sea of identical drinks?

These problems could be solved by buying reusable, unique, mix-matched dishes at your local thrift store. There’s no need to write your name on your drink when your cup is one of a kind! Dishes and silverware can be found for .25 to .50 cents each at your local Arc Store. Put together a funky set of party dishes to use again and again. Be sure to buy plastic or tin camping dishes for the kids – spills don’t matter in the yard but broken glass is never fun.


3.  Host a 50’s Drive-In Theme Party

Themed parties are great. What better theme for Memorial Day than vintage 50’s? Invite your friends to come in costume and bring ingredients to make old-fashioned cocktails in your vintage dishes from the Arc Store. Eat cherry pie and blueberry cobbler and watch the kid’s clothes get stained red, white, and blue! When it gets dark project a movie on the side of the house while your guests relax on blankets. Just make sure to have some bug spray handy when outside at sundown. Shop your local second hand stores for vintage decorations and outfits.

4.  Water and Money Saving Tips: Go Jump In a Lake!

All of us Californians should be doing whatever we can to conserve water this summer. Instead of filling up the kiddie-pool or turning on the sprinkler, visit one of the beautiful bodies of water in our area. Take the kids fishing at Lake Oroville or take your potluck party down to the BBQ pits at Chico’s One Mile recreation area. The kids can play at the playground while the grown-ups relax in the shade.

5.  Attend Someone Else’s Party

With all this talk of hosting parties, we forget it’s much more fun to be a guest. Find someone else’s yard to celebrate in. We all know a few people hosting parties Memorial Day weekend. Hey, who’s your friend with the pool? What’s he up to?

6.  Take Advantage of Free Events

There’s bound to be some public events in your area over the weekend. Here in Chico we have the Friday Night Concert. This is a great place to bring the whole family! Bring a blanket and a picnic and enjoy a completely free night of music right here in our downtown plaza.

7.  Shop Second Hand for Your Holiday Outfit

woman_dressed_in_red_white_and_blueWe all want to look our best when surrounded by our friends and family. Shopping second hand offers great money saving ways to turn heads this summer. Visit the Timeless Boutique section of your local Arc Store for name brands at a discount. Find summer sandals, dresses, men’s and kid’s clothes, and even swimsuits!

So go ahead and use these money saving tips and throw your Memorial Day blowout, without blowing big bucks. Get together with friends and family and bring in the summer right.

Happy Memorial Day from all of us at your local Arc Store!



Get started planning your party now by downloading the free template below.

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