8 Simple & Easy Ways to Save Money Every Single Day This Year

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01/12/2015 12:02 PM

8 Simple & Easy Ways to Save Money Every Single Day This Year

woman-holding-piggy-bank-524156467With a new year here, maybe one of your resolutions is to save money. But really, aren’t we all always trying to save money, resolution or not? Here are some simple and easy ways to save money every single day, by only making a slight change in what you already do!

1. Recycle

Recycling is still cool! Actually, it’s cooler than ever and you can earn some cash from it! Easy as pie. Just make sure you save your plastic, aluminum and glass from your drinks and take it in every month to a recycling center. While it may not be a ton of money, you can’t complain when it’s basically free!

2. Use your own bag 

With bag bans going into affect in many different cities, businesses will now start charging you to use a bag. Here in Chico, the bag ban took effect as of January 1. Make sure to carry a bag in your car, or you’ll be forking out extra money at the check out lines that you didn’t plan on.

3. Bring your lunch to work 

It’s convenient, easy and fun sometimes to go out to eat on your lunch break at work. However, those drive-thru meals and fancy café salads will start to impact your funds REALLY fast! Try packing a lunch 4 days of the week and reward yourself on a certain day with eating out, such as a Friday.

4. Skip that Starbucks drink

Stopping by your favorite coffee shop before work every morning can start to add up, which we’re sure you and your wallet have noticed! Even going just a couple times a week can put a dent in your bank account. Making coffee at home can be just as good as the coffee shop. The convenience factor may not be there but setting aside an extra 5 minutes to make a pot before work can save you money, which is what you want, right?

According to a survey by Accounting Principals, Americans who regularly buy coffee throughout the week spend on average, $1,092 on coffee annually. (USA Today)

If you really need that caffeine boost, limit yourself to a certain amount a month, so that it serves as a treat. Trust us, it will be even more rewarding that way! Not just because you are saving money but because it’s something special to look forward to. 

5. Avoid ATM fees

While sometimes it’s necessary, most times pulling money out of another bank in which you are not a member at is avoidable. Did you know you’re being charged every time you do that? It can start adding up if you make a habit of it. Try carrying cash on you or prepare for where you will be going.

6. Don’t let your gym membership go to waste 

Remember that gym membership you bought at the beginning of the year? Well, it’s still there! You paid 6 months in full at quite a hefty price. At the time you probably told yourself doing so would make it so that you would be forced to go. Well, believe it or not, gyms sell memberships with the expectation that only 18 percent of those people will actually use it on a consistent basis (USA Today). Think about how much money is being thrown away! If you have invested money into a gym membership, make sure you actually use it. Treadmill time! 

7. Shop second hand stores

For many items, there’s really no reason to buy brand new when you can get the same things for half price, gently used! Shopping for furniture, decorations, clothing, shoes, etc? Check out a second hand or thrift store before you go to the big-box brand stores!

8. Become a DIYer

You’re capable of a lot more than you think you can do! Think you can’t fix a leaky faucet? You probably can! Do a litter research and put your DIY (do-it-yourself) hat on. Not calling an expert every time you have a problem will save you a lot of money. However, there always comes a time when a professional is actually needed, remember that!

If you follow these 8 easy ways to save money, you will be sure to find some extra spending money in your bank account this year! Take a hold of your money and learn to be smart with it this year, starting today!

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Learn more about saving money shopping at second hand stores in the free download below.
