Add Life to Your Living Space Shopping at Second Hand Furniture Stores

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01/30/2015 12:26 PM

Add Life to Your Living Space Shopping at Second Hand Furniture Stores

Winter holiday decorations have been stored away at your house, and I’m sure you have a few weekend springtime cleaning projects on your family’s radar for the next few months. But what can you do to give your living space a new springtime look? I don’t know about you, but redecorating after cleaning and household maintenance chores is kind of a treat to look forward to. (Like that new outfit after completing a workout goal). Browse local second hand furniture stores to find quality, used items that will brighten up your space.   

Where to start? Choose a focal point to start building colors, shapes, or concepts around. Like a painting or family photo you love 

Or, maybe a group of family photos or grandkids’ art masterpieces. Coordinating frames for the artwork in your space is a great way to brighten up a room for very little cash when you shop at second hand furniture stores. All black frames are classic, or try a vintage theme with gold accents for the little one’s latest masterpieces. 


[Photo Source:]

You could simply paint or milk wash the frames you already have stored in the closet, and head to the second hand furniture store to pick other accessories to paint as well. Don’t forget to look for fun rugs, pillows, throw blankets or whatever accessory that matches, while you are shopping. Click here for more inspiration.

Add embellishments to accessories

Mirrors can really brighten up a space too, especially when artfully combined with a light source. Pay attention to the way the sun comes in, and position a mirror to catch as much light from a window as possible. That new lamp you painted could also assist a mirror (also with a freshly painted frame) to brighten a room when properly positioned. Or consider LOTS of mirrors ALL OVER the wall. Coordinating their frames with a glossy black lacquer will pull various styles and shapes together for a fun look. 

Maybe you are thinking hot pink or turquoise would be more attractive! Lampshades are fun and inexpensively embellished for a new look, too. Beads, rhinestones, or the crystal chandelier dangles often found at second hand furniture stores, puff-paint designs and dots, or even bright ribbon stripes quickly applied with a hot glue gun will easily brighten your space. Why stop there? That new frame or pillow could use a few rhinestones -or whatever- as well! 

A living space is brightest, happiest, when your family’s personality is reflected

Coffee table legs purchased inexpensively at your favorite second hand furniture store can turn that long-board your son never uses anymore -but can’t bear to part with- a new life. (Bet you will have lots of stories to share around it in the family room, too.) The dollhouse grandpa made you so long ago might convert fairly easily into a great and interesting hall table with a re-purposed glass patio table top. Or bird houses! So many interesting decorating ideas for someone’s bird house hobby!  

Vintage fishing poles and nets, skiing equipment…really ANY hobby items can really brighten and add interest to your space. Your daughter’s first pair of ice skates hung near a framed competition photo (sprayed hot pink and bedazzled, of course) hung above a new (to her) night stand will be sure to make someone smile! 

So this spring, after the winter clean-up and “honey-do” projects are completed, why not make some time to roam around your local second hand furniture stores for finds to brighten up your space or that of someone you love.

Maximize the finds at the Arc second hand stores by downloading and printing the coupon below to save money on your next project. Happy shopping!

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