Creative Ways to Save Money When Decorating for Fall

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10/09/2015 9:00 AM

Creative Ways to Save Money When Decorating for Fall

front_porch_decorated_for_fallLeaves are falling from the trees, turning orange, brown and red. Pumpkin spice items are everywhere. You start putting a jacket on during the evenings and snuggle up in your bed under the blankets. What do all of these things mean? Fall.

If you’re like me you enjoy decorating for the seasons, especially fall. I’m not too sure what it is about the season, but it’s SO enjoyable! What’s not enjoyable is how expensive some of the really cute decorations are. But really, who wants to pay $25 for a small sign that says “fall” when you can make it yourself or find something used for half the price?!

Here are some creative ways to save money on your fall decorations:


Visit a Thrift Store

Did you even know you can buy seasonal decorations at a thrift store? Well, now you do! But shh – don’t tell too may people because we don’t want the pickings to get slim. Thrift stores are a great place to find slightly used fall decorations that work for both indoor and outdoor.


Buying Re-Usable Decorations

Starting this year if you choose to buy decorations that can be re-used over the years, you will save a TON of money in the long run! Instead of going out and buying all new decorations you’ll be able to unpack your box of fall decorations from the last year. If you start getting tired of some of the decorations or they become too old you can replace them one by one.


Let Nature Help Out

Look around you. Fall is plentiful and giving! There are free decorations probably just right outside your doorstep. Making table arrangements and wreaths have never been easier when you can find the materials for free or at a low cost.

  • Dried Leaves
  • Pumpkins
  • Squash/Gourds
  • Corn
  • Apples
  • Sticks/Twigs
  • Cattails


DIY Creative Ways to Save Money

Coffee Filter Wreath

This coffee filter wreath is a fun way to spruce up your front door and impress all of your guests! Most people never realize that it’s made with coffee filters because it looks so intricate and amazing once finished. As you can imagine, this is a very cheap DIY project.

For step-by-step directions visit: DIY Coffee Filter Wreath Tutorial


Photo Source: Frugality Gal

Painted Gold Leaves

This DIY project is also inexpensive. All you have to do is find some neat looking leaves and paint them gold! Grab a few frames from the thrift store and paint those as well so that they all match. Then place a single leaf into each frame to create a modern yet chic art piece for your home.

For step-by-step directions visit: Gold Painted Leaves


Photo Source: Dio Home Improvements  

Hopefully, these ideas have been helpful to you and show that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a cute home decorated for fall. We hope to see you soon in one of the Arc Stores in Chico, Oroville or Paradise.

Do you have some creative ways to save money when decorating for fall? We’d love to hear about them in our comment section!

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