Cute Baby Clothes You’re Sure to Find at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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05/04/2015 9:33 AM

Cute Baby Clothes You’re Sure to Find at Second Hand Clothing Stores

moms_with_babies_at_second_hand_clothing_storeBaby clothes are SO CUTE but they are so gosh dang expensive! Sigh. As a parent, you know the trouble with that – it seems like your kids are growing by the minute! As soon as you bring them home from the hospital it’s as if the newborn clothes last for only a week. Can anyone relate?

It doesn’t stop there. Shoes only get worn once before they no longer fit in them. So why are we emptying our wallets on baby clothes that we could be buying for a fraction of the price, especially when they may only wear them once or twice?

Baby clothes are something that many people don’t think to look for at second hand clothing stores. But, I always wonder, why the heck not? I never fully realized how they can charge so much money for such small pieces of material that make up baby clothes. It just doesn’t seem right!

I think people may have a stigma about clothes from a second hand clothing store not being clean enough or good enough for their child. Here are my thoughts about this:

  • Many of the baby clothes that are at second hand clothing stores often come from moms who received way too much stuff at their baby shower. You can only dress your newborn in so many pairs of overalls before they grow out of that size.

  • As stated before, babies just grow so dang quick. A baby hardly gets any wear and tear in their clothing to do much damage. Yes, there are spit ups and spills but everything gets washed. Plus, that’s what your baby will be doing in it too, so what’s the big deal?

Along with the normal daily baby clothes, such as onesies, here are some other items worth buying at second hand clothing stores, according to Daily Finance:

  • Receiving blankets
  • Baby socks/shoes
  • Dress clothes
  • Jackets
  • Strollers
  • Some toys [only if they can be washed]

Just remember to wash everything that you buy at a second hand clothing store for your baby. While it may look clean, and should be clean, it’s always a good idea to throw it in the washing machine just as a general precaution. This also goes for strollers and toys; make sure you wipe them down with disinfectant. Babies love to put their mouths all over everything.

Well there you have it. Now you know where to go shopping for baby clothes. You will be sure to save money by shopping for your baby’s clothes at second hand clothing stores.

Do you often shop at second hand clothing stores? What’s been your best find yet? Comment in the section below!

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