DIY Recycled Thrift Store Items to Show Your Chico Charm

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07/13/2015 12:34 PM

DIY Recycled Thrift Store Items to Show Your Chico Charm

She_turned_to_the_sunlight__And_shookAre you a true Chicoan? One that wants to show your pride for living in Chico in all its glory? Great! You’ve stumbled on a blog that was written just for you. We will get along quite nicely, especially if you love DIY projects almost as much as you love Chico.

Keep reading for ideas about recycled items that you can get at thrift stores like the Arc Store in Chico to use as a DIY project and display in your home to show your love for Chico!

Refurbished Artwork—Chico Style

A few blog posts ago we wrote about upcycling wall art—well this will come in handy when creating your “Chico style” wall piece. You’ll follow the same directions by painting over the original painting and making it your own, but instead, write Chico or relate it to Chico somehow. Here’s some sayings that may help inspire your creativity.

  • I love Chico
  • I ♥ Chico
  • Chico Stole My Heart
  • Left My ♥ In Chico
  • Chico is My Hometown
  • Once a Chico Girl, Always a Chico Girl
  • Chico is My Happy Place
  • Chico—All Because Two People Fell in Love
  • Our Love Story Started in Chico
  • It’s a Chico Thing

You can also choose to highlight certain aspects of Chico in a word collage, such as:

  • Bidwell Park
  • Upper Park
  • Bidwell Mansion
  • Chico State
  • Downtown Chico
  • One Mile
  • Sierra Nevada
  • The Bear
  • Farmers’ Market

Here’s an idea of what we mean, for some inspiration:


Photo Source: Jess Poutre Designs

Bottle Cap Bar Table

We all know that Sierra Nevada is a Chico staple and represents Chico by having local functions, fundraisers, etc. Well, if you enjoy its products then start saving your bottle caps! There are several things you can DIY with bottle caps. For example, take a look at this bottle cap table.


Photo Source: Instructables

A table like this can easily be found at your local thrift store. Second hand furniture stores have an abundance of different types of tables that will help make this project even easier. Plus, you’ll be able to find a table for a good price.

For instructions go here: Bottle Cap Table with Poured Resin Surface

Garden Treasures 

Creating Chico themed garden items is a great way to show your Chico charm both inside and outside your home! A neat way to do this is to find rocks and paint them with similar words or phrases that we discussed above.

You can use tiles, pots, vases, bottles, etc. For items that you can use, check out your local thrift store for inspiration! You can pretty much add Chico charm to just about any recycled item that you want to!

We wish you luck on your DIY project and would love to see what you’ve created! Head on over to the Arc Store Facebook page and post a picture of your finished DIY recycled item.

Related posts:

How to Turn Items From Second Hand Furniture Stores “Inside Out”

Thrift Store Tips: How to Upcycle Wall Art

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