DIY Second Hand Furniture Stores: Inspiration From Pinterest

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09/22/2014 9:33 AM

DIY Second Hand Furniture Stores: Inspiration From Pinterest

It’s a glorious Saturday morning and you’ve got nothing on the books for the day. Ah-ha! You decide this is the perfect time to check out your local second hand furniture stores to see if there are any treasures you can snatch up. 

Coffee in hand you enter your favorite second hand store and instantly see a great big hutch sitting on the other side of the room calling your name. You beeline over to it, even passing by the tempting fall boots and scarves. This hutch has got your attention and you’re almost running to it so that you can check out the price tag.

Before you give it a close look you pick up the tag and see that it has been additionally marked down to, wait for it, only $15. Woohoo! You start doing a happy dance until you notice people are looking at you funny. But then something catches your eye. “Nooooooooooooooooo,” you yell in your head! There’s a big ole hunkin’ scratch on the front and not to mention some scuffs on the feet.

All of your happiness suddenly fades and you walk out discouraged. It would have been beautiful in your dining room! Little did you know, the woman who walked in right after you had the same feeling when she saw the hutch, even after noticing the scuffs. Why? Because she knows that those little imperfections can be fixed with a little inspiration from Pinterest!

If you haven’t heard of Pinterest, you need to check it out! Especially if you love shopping at second hand stores! Pinterest is a visual discovery tool [virtual bulletin board] that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests. Once you start pinning, you won’t be able to stop!

Here are some examples of awesome ideas for your second hand furniture store makeover’s that can be found on Pinterest.

Two Toned Chevron Dresser

DIY second hand furniture storesImage Source: Décor Adventures

If you happen to find a dresser that has a couple scratches on it, don’t fret! All you need is a little bit of paint and some imagination! This is just one of the ideas that you can find on Pinterest, however if you don’t like the chevron idea you can paint patterns, paint in the entire drawer, add lace, use wallpaper, etc. The list goes on. Just know that because there may be scratches or dings, that shouldn’t hold you back. In fact, you can make a piece of furniture look better than it even did when it was brand new. How about that?!

Mirror Turned Chalkboard

DIY second hand furniture storesImage Source: Love of Family and Home

Second hand furniture stores are filled with cool mirrors and frames. This is ideal for you to create a chalkboard. Chalkboards are not only for teaching algebra lessons in school anymore. Use them in your home to display a fun saying or quote, highlight a fun chalk design or as a messaging board.

Pottery Barn Style Dresser

DIY second hand furniture stores Image Source: Southern Revivals

Wow! What a beautiful dresser. You need to click on the link above to see the before picture. This dresser was taken from drab to fab with some wood staining materials and wicker bins. If you ever have drawers in a dresser that are broken are too damaged, just pull them out and replace with some fun baskets (which can also most likely be found at your favorite second hand furniture store). 

Rescued Thrift Store Chairs

DIY second hand furniture stores Image Source: Style Sisters

Second hand furniture stores are gold mines for finding chairs. The only thing is often they are mismatched or you’re missing one or two chairs to make a full set. Well, we have a solution to that problem! A little bit of DIY fun, paint and material is all you need. Plus, you’ll be able to customize the chairs to match your home. How neat is this? You’ll never buy new, full priced chairs ever again!

Here are some awesome Pinterest boards to follow for DIY furniture makeovers. Just be sure to be logged into Pinterest to view these boards! 

Click on the link to view the boards: 

DIY Furniture Makeover’s Board 1

DIY Furniture Makeover’s Board 2

DIY Furniture Makeover’s Board 3

Now the next time you see a piece of furniture calling your name in your favorite second hand furniture store you’ll have some ideas in mind and know that a scratch or dent won’t hinder its capability to be beautiful!

Download a free $5 coupon below for the next time you’re at The Arc Store!

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