Do’s & Don’ts: How to Shop at the Arc Store for Wine Weekend Attire

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08/31/2015 1:16 AM

Do’s & Don’ts: How to Shop at the Arc Store for Wine Weekend Attire


With the Sierra Oro Farm Trail wine weekend fast approaching, a guide for how to dress for wine tasting is much needed. Sometimes it’s tricky to figure out what to actually wear to a winery, especially if you have never been before. We’ve compiled the do’s and don’ts of how to dress for a wine weekend, so that you don’t find yourself embarrassed or out of place.

Information about the Sierra Oro Wine Trail happening in Butte County can be found at the bottom of this article! You can start shopping for inexpensive wine attire at the Arc Store in Chico, Paradise or Oroville by following the tips below.

Do: Wear Dark Clothing

Wearing darker colored clothing is a great idea when it comes to wine tasting. Even if you prefer white wine, you will most likely be trying some red wine as well. Just in case a little bit drips from your glass onto your blouse or dress, you don’t want to worry about it all day and be insecure. If you wear darker colors, you’ll be in the clear and that red wine spot will fit right in. Pro tip: bring a Tide To Go pen!

Don’t: Wear White

While it may not be a huge don’t, wear white with caution, even if you don’t plan on tasting red wines. Spilling wine on your outfit may ruin your experience and make for an embarrassing moment as you continue onto other wineries.

Do: Wear Comfortable Shoes

Plan on being on your feet all day. Many wineries have beautiful properties that you are allowed to explore. Plus, how mad would you be if you were asked to have a private tour of the winery and the vineyards, but you had to say no because your feet hurt or you were worried about your stilettos sinking into the dirt?! The Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise and Oroville are great places to look for cute yet inexpensive shoes.

Don’t: Wear Too Much Perfume/Cologne

Wearing too much perfume, cologne or personal products is a no-no. Why? Because the scents on your body can easily take away from your wine tasting experience. Wine tasting relies a lot on scent and perfumes can change the aromas of what you smell.

Do: Dress Nice

There’s a weird in-between stage when it comes to dressing for wine tasting. It’s not super dressy but it’s not too casual. Wine tasting is something that is a fun event that doesn’t happen every weekend, so why not get a little more dressed up than everyday attire? It will make the event even more fun!

Don’t: Wear High Maintenance Clothing

Keep it simple. If you know that a certain dress, shirt or piece of jewelry tends to get in the way of what you’re doing, leave it at home. You don’t want to be distracted while wine tasting. You want to be able to take everything in and enjoy the experience! If your strap keeps slipping or a bracelet keeps clinking wine glasses, it will end up being more of a hassle. It may be a cute outfit, but what’s more important here? The wine, of course.

Check out this Pinterest board for some inspiration on what to wear for a wine weekend: What to Wear Wine Tasting

Ok, now that you know the do’s and don’ts of how to dress for a wine weekend, here’s one you can plan for—The Sierra Oro Farm Trail on October 10 and 11 in the Butte County area of Chico, Oroville and Durham. There are nearly 31 participating wineries and specialty farms located throughout Butte County.

Passports cost $25 per person and include a 2015 map and free commemorative wine glass for each ticket purchased. To learn more information about The Sierra Oro Farm Trail visit the website here.

If you’re in Butte County, you don’t want to miss this event! If you need to find an outfit to wear wine tasting, we’ve got you covered here at the Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise and Oroville.

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