Dress for Country Concerts on a Dime at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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04/27/2015 11:11 AM

Dress for Country Concerts on a Dime at Second Hand Clothing Stores

Yeehaw! It’s time to bust out those cowboy boots and jean shorts, you’ve got a country concert to go to! Ah, one of the best times of the year for country lovers like you and me. There’s nothing quite like feeling the sun beating down on your skin, holding an ice cold overpriced beverage in your hand and singing at the top of your lungs to some good ‘ole country music.

Now, while you’re reading this blog, to get in the country spirit and have the most inspiration for your outfit, I suggest you hit play for this fitting country song, “Summertime” by Kenny Chesney.

Ok, now that you’re feeling like you’re almost there at Kenny’s concert [ugh we wish huh?], let’s start planning your outfit!

Here are two different ideas to make the cutest pair of country shorts aka daisy dukes:


Take a pair of jeans that you no longer want, or cheap thrift store jeans, and just snip them off into shorts! Ok, just kidding, it’s a little more complicated than that. Make sure the jeans you are using are not a super spandexy material, the more jean like fabrics work better.

For a step by step tutorial for the best cut off jean shorts, watch this video:

Add lace or crochet

Just like the cut off shorts, used shorts or jeans you already own or some from the thrift store or second hand clothing stores work great and will save you the most money!


Photo Source: Mr. Kate

You don’t even have to know how to sew to add these cute shorts to your wardrobe! Check out the full tutorial here to learn how to add lace to your cut offs to take them to the next level. Everyone will be jealous of these at your next country concert, trust me!

Make a tassel shirt


Photo Source: Pop Champagne 

Alright, next we need a cute shirt to go with your extra cute shorts! Tassel shirts are super popular right now but can be expensive. The solution? Buy a shirt from a second hand clothing store and make the shirt yourself! It’s really easy, there’s no sewing involved and it’s way cheap! To see the full instructions click here.


A thrift store is an awesome place to find a studded country belt to wrap around your waist, for way cheaper than what you will find it for at a country clothing store. Booyah!


All the best old style, country themed jewelry can be found at second hand clothing stores for a fraction of the price. Vintage type pieces work awesome with country styled outfits. Rule of thumb – if it has turquoise of any kind on it, perfect!

Cowboy boots

Did you know that second hand stores and thrift stores are GOLD MINES for cowboy boots? Seriously, no lie! I once found a pair of $120 black name brand women’s cowboy boots that were in good condition for $12. Best thrift store score of my life.


Thrift store cowboy boots tip: don’t worry whether they are women’s or men’s. Many boots can be unisex and no one will ever be able to tell the difference.

Also, if you’re not a shorts type of girl, no worries. Second hand clothing stores are also a great place to find cute dresses that will pair well with your cowboy boots!

Hopefully this blog was helpful in deciding what to wear to your next country concert and how you can save money and still look extra cute! If you try one of these clothing tutorials, we’d love to know how it turned out in the comment section below. Have a blast at your concert. Yeehaw!

Look for your next concert outfit at the Arc Stores! Download the coupon below to get $5 off any purchase of $15 or more.

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