Find Costumes for the Whole Family at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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10/24/2014 10:17 AM

Find Costumes for the Whole Family at Second Hand Clothing Stores

costumes from second hand clothing storesIf you’re a mom, you probably have multiple Halloween costumes to prepare for this year. There are the usual trick-or-treating type for your younger children and you have a picky high schooler with a costume dance. All the girls at the office just mentioned that they plan to wear a little something that day, so you’ll need something for yourself as well. Oh, and the hubby has that invitation from his co-worker, and you wanted to dress in some sort of couple’s costume. Oh, my that sounds expensive for one night! 

That’s quite a bit of planning and expense, unless you are thrifty and purchase costume items from second hand clothing stores like the Oroville Arc Store. Everyone in the family wants to win the coveted Best Costume Award, so you better get cracking before it’s too late.

Outfitting the youngsters of the household

The kids will frequently have ideas of their own about what they want to be this Halloween. That can definitely make the shopping task easier, or more frustrating, depending on your budget and your level of creativity. 

Second hand clothing stores have everything from lightly used costumes to all kinds of fun items you can improvise with. Donations this year include everything from that ethereal princess outfit to a mangled, bloody bride look. To help you find what you’re looking for, there are friendly, knowledgeable staff members at each of our Arc Store locations in Oroville, Chico and Paradise, to assist you in putting those fabulous costumes together on a budget. 

Costumes: DIY or Ready Made?

The Arc second hand stores have easy and off the rack makings for scarecrow costumes, multitudes of options for princesses, clowns, ghosts, athletes, farmers, zombies, brides, prom queens, and favorite characters from books, movies, or the political scene. If you have the time to sew (or lots of Velcro, pins, hot glue or duct tape) second hand clothing stores have the fabrics and sheets, tablecloths and sparkly things, flowers and footwear just waiting to be transformed into  the costume of your  dreams (or nightmares!)

How about a retro lampshade for a quick costume? Cut some eyeholes and a grin and you are there. Easy enough? Or pajamas complete with teddy bear and pillow with a bow in your hair and fluffy slippers? 

Making costumes together with the kids can be a really fun and memorable experience. Bring home all of the great finds, and set up a table with art supplies for everyone to share ideas and help each other. This may actually evolve into the most memorable part of your family’s Halloween traditions.

Second hand stores have everything you need

Elaborate or simple, a second hand store like the Arc Store has everything you need to create an award winning costume. And isn’t the very best reward the look on that child’s face as they parade around in the costume you made together?

Who knew you had it in you? It must be the moonlight or that creative gal at the Arc Store who sold you everything you never knew you needed to make the kiddos smile. And for what it would have cost to purchase all of those brand new costumes from a shop or large retail store, you had enough money left over to treat everyone at the office to Halloween-inspired cupcakes and the kids to homemade caramel apples. 

Come visit your local second hand clothing stores in your search for the winning Halloween costumes while there is still time before Halloween! 

Remember to download the $5 off your $15 purchase coupon below and save money on those Halloween purchases.

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