Get the Most Out of Your Tax Refund: Shop Second Hand Furniture Stores

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03/02/2015 3:27 AM

Get the Most Out of Your Tax Refund: Shop Second Hand Furniture Stores

Tax_Refund_sign_s_180419922Woohoo! It’s tax time! Ok, maybe you aren’t that enthusiastic about this time of year. Tax season can be stressful and take a lot of work, but if you receive a refund, at least there is a bit of a silver lining at the end of the struggle. If you’re wanting to spruce up your home with some new furniture pieces without spending your entire refund, this blog is for you! Keep reading to learn how to get the most out of your tax refund by shopping at second hand furniture stores.

Second hand furniture stores. Ok, after reading that we know what you may be thinking. Why, how and where would I find furniture at a second hand store? Will it be up to the quality that I want it to be? Won’t it be dated and old? Won’t it be janky and something someone else didn’t want?

The answer is NO.

Once you get this preconceived idea out of your head, you will be able to save tons of money on new furniture! There’s thousands of other people who already know this secret and are scoring awesome furniture pieces for next to nothing as we speak. You can be one of those people, too!

Here’s how:

Have an open mind

When you walk into a thrift store [second hand store] you need to have an open mind. You also need to think with a bit more of a creative mind than, maybe, you normally would. This will help you see all the possibilities that a certain furniture piece has. Sure, that dresser you’re staring at might have a few scratches and dents in it, and the olive paint that’s on it is hideous, but look past it. Envision what it could be if you gave it life. Envision what it could be if you gave it a makeover. Envision how much money you will be saving. Sold!

Spend time on a DIY project

When you find a piece of furniture that you see potential in, know that almost any DIY project can work in your home and bring it back to life. Some of these DIY projects make furniture look better than it did in the first place, when it was completely brand new. When embarking on your DIY journey, Pinterest will be your best friend.

Find out more about your local second hand furniture stores

Many thrift stores have NEW and used items. This means you can score some brand new furniture for half the price. Many people don’t often think that new items are available in these type of stores, but that is just not true. For example, the Arc Store has new and used furniture, completely new mattresses and furniture that has even been revamped from what it was so that you don’t have to take the time to renovate it yourself. Awesome, right?

If you’re wanting to save money and not blow your entire tax refund on new furniture, visiting your local second hand furniture store will be the way to go. You’ll probably even have some extra cash left over to treat yourself to a special meal or fun event! Yay for tax season!

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DIY Second Hand Furniture Stores: Inspiration From Pinterest  

Not convinced you can score big at second hand furniture stores? Download the free ebook below!
