How to Shop Used Clothing & Spot a Good Pair of Designer Jeans

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05/22/2015 9:59 AM

How to Shop Used Clothing & Spot a Good Pair of Designer Jeans

When shopping for used clothing, one of the most rewarding finds is a nice, well-made pair of designer jeans. There are few affordable luxuries that compare to good jeans that also look good on you. This holy grail of high-end clothing is tricky to come by, however, and it’s easy to buy a fake if you aren’t careful. The key to determining whether or not you’re looking at the real deal is in the quality of the materials and the workmanship.

Spotting the Real Thing

Real designer jeans are made by companies with a huge stake in the quality of their product, and you’ll see this reflected everywhere from the stitching (which should be straight, even and free of hanging threads) to the label. It helps if you’re familiar with what you’re looking for. Once you’ve seen and touched a brand, you’ll be better positioned to tell if the materials are consistent with their products. If it feels cheap, it probably is.


Ebay has some articles on spotting a fake that will help true label lovers get the products they want. You’ll find them linked below:

How to Determine if Your Designer Jeans Are a Fake

How to Spot Fake Designer Clothes

Checking brands is really all about observation, and you can train yourself to notice the important details very quickly. The Arc Store always has higher end pieces together on the floor, so you’ll know exactly where to start. Second hand stores in your area may have a similar setup, so if you aren’t sure, it’s worth asking. If they don’t, you can rely on your own good judgement with help from the articles above.

But I love them anyway – Ask: Are They Fake or Fun?

What if you find jeans that you love, but they clearly aren’t the real deal?

They may be fake, or they may be a brand you’ve never heard of before. If they’re fake, ask yourself if they’re worth the price being asked. It’s also important that no one is trying to pass them off as real. When you buy used clothing, you’ll be happier overall if you find stores that are honest, reliable and willing to put your experience as a customer first. You don’t want to reward someone who is trying to put one over on you, no matter how great you look in those knockoffs.

Sometimes you’ll find clothes that aren’t being passed off as designer, but they have an upscale look. These are the fun pieces. They won’t cost you a lot of money, but they’ll make you look like a million bucks anyway. When you’re looking at these items, you need to ask yourself if they feel as good as they look. Do they fit well? Do they move with you and not against you?


The key is that everything you wear makes you look and feel good. If they meet those criteria, there’s nothing wrong with wearing jeans that aren’t designer. Often, you’ll find unfamiliar brands at used clothing stores that have a good cut, good wash, and nice stitching. If you love them, go for it! The only important name in your life is your own.

Learn how to spot a good used clothing find and other tips in the free eBook available for download below.

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