How You Can Be an Angel to a Child by Shopping at the the Arc Store

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12/04/2015 3:49 AM

How You Can Be an Angel to a Child by Shopping at the the Arc Store


There’s so much to be grateful for! Isn’t that what we we’re all thinking during the holiday season?

Sure, we all have those nagging little worries (sometimes not so little), and the sadness evoked by beloved family members and friends no longer seated around our table. But overall, life teaches us that there really is so very much we can focus on to be thankful for, even in the midst of the worst tribulation.

This is harder for the little ones among us, just embarking on life’s roller coaster ride of hope. Especially when the bounty of this holiday season seems a little far away from their house.    

Give back this Christmas

Sometimes the littlest sacrifice on your part can give a child something to be truly grateful for at Christmastime. Be the spark of joy, hope, and thankfulness for a child in need of a little help.

The Arc of Butte County has a lovely tradition of “Angels on the Tree” at the Arc Stores. The trees are trimmed with paper angels decorated by a child in need of items to make their season warm and bright.

How to be an Arc Angel

Simply stop by to shop at one of the Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise or Oroville California and select a paper angel from the tree. Add an item or two to your holiday shopping list and bring the unwrapped item(s) back to the Arc Store with the paper angel attached. It’s that easy – you’ve become one of the generous “Arc Angels” for whom we are so grateful! 

If you find yourself stretched beyond any previously imaginable schedule this season (as many of us do), but still want to help a child affiliated with one of Arc’s programs, simply select an angel from the tree and give it to the clerk with your kind monetary donation and we’ll be pleased to shop for you. 

Thank you for supporting the Arc Stores and all the families we serve in Butte County.

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