Inexpensive Bachelor Party Ideas That Guarantee a Good Time

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10/05/2015 4:00 AM

Inexpensive Bachelor Party Ideas That Guarantee a Good Time

Group_of_guys_celebratingYou’re probably reading this blog right now because you have been put in charge of throwing someone’s bachelor party. It may be your brother, best friend or relative and you are trying to figure out what in the heck you’re going to do, especially since everyone is on a budget. A lavish bachelor party in Vegas for the weekend sounds like a blast, but your wallet disagrees. That’s ok! There are still ways to have a fun and equally as good of a time by spending less and picking a different experience. Here are some inexpensive bachelor party ideas:

Go Camping

Camping trips are where it’s at when you’re looking to get away but save money at the same time. For this trip, all you need is for everyone to pitch in with buying groceries and drinks. Camping spots usually only cost anywhere from $10-50 a night. Plus, there will be no temptation for when it comes to spending extra money at clubs or restaurants because you’ll be in the great outdoors. Perfect! Just a weekend with the guys spending some quality time out in the wilderness together. Doesn’t that sound like a great inexpensive bachelor party idea? By the way, if you need some cheap camping gear, thrift stores are a good place to look!

Catch a Concert

Depending on who you see and where you go, concerts can be affordable. Buy tickets ahead of time and in bulk and you’ll save even more. If all of the guys pitch in for a limo, then you’ve got yourself a pretty awesome bachelor party!

Have a BBQ

If you’d rather not travel anywhere, having a BBQ is a great bachelor party option. Hanging out with the guys all day while grilling, drinking, slip-n-sliding, and listening to music is a great way to have a more relaxed and budget friendly get together.

Poker Night

So you have a poker night every month with the guys? No worries, this can still work! Just make this an incredibly EPIC poker night by renting actual poker tables and dealers. You can find companies that provide these type of rentals for fairly inexpensive, especially if you find a Groupon for the company! Add some food and drinks and you’ve got yourself an inexpensive bachelor party. Here’s a list of some other ideas:
  • Hiking Trip
  • Golfing
  • Fishing Trip
  • Beer Tasting
  • Hunting
  • Paintball
  • Mountain Biking
  • Pro Sporting Event
  • Theme Park
  • Shooting Target Practice
  • White Water Rafting
  • Video Gaming Tournament
Here are some general rules on how to keep the bachelor party inexpensive:

Research, Research, Research

Google will be your best friend during this process. To get the best bang for your buck make sure you do your research! Research different areas to go, rental prices, hotel prices, etc.

Time and Place

The time you throw the bachelor party will, of course, be relative somewhat as to when the wedding actually is. Other than that, you can have some control over prices by picking a quiet weekend where there are no holidays or any big events happening, or even by picking a weekday to celebrate. Hotels tend to be cheaper during the week.

Take Advantage of Deals/Coupons

When you’re looking into doing certain activities or going to different events make sure to research different ways that you can save money. Depending on what you’re doing, here are some saving sites that may help: Groupon Living Social

Collect Money From Guests ASAP

If all of the guys that are invited to the bachelor party are going in on the festivities, make sure to collect the money as soon as you can. If your name is under the rentals or reservations, it’s in your favor to collect money as soon as you can so that a.) they don’t forget they owe you money and b.) you can start paying off everything.

Set a Budget

Before you begin, make sure to set a budget for yourself. If you write it down and create a list of things you need to do and the price of what they cost, it will make it even easier! We hope these inexpensive bachelor party ideas are helpful for you in your planning process! Remember that spending a lot of money on a party doesn’t guarantee it will be a good time, what does is the company you have with you, the activities outlined and a positive outlook! Need supplies for your party? Visit your local Arc Store in Chico, Paradise or Oroville for some cheap party supplies!