Inexpensive Bachelorette Party Ideas for theHardworking Bridesmaid

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09/22/2015 9:00 AM

Inexpensive Bachelorette Party Ideas for theHardworking Bridesmaid

Being a bridesmaid is hard word, but as rewarding as helping a friend make her wedding wonderful can be, it gets expensive. You’ll need the coordinating dress, the gift, plan the bridal shower, and possibly even have to make travel arrangements – and don’t forget the bachelorette party.

Since this will be your friend’s last party as a single woman, you’ll want to make sure she gets an extra special send off. Fortunately, it’s easier to save on these gatherings than commercial wedding gurus want you to believe. We’ve compiled a list of inexpensive bachelorette party ideas that will help your bride walk regret free into her new life.

Wearing the Uniform

Any seasoned bridesmaid will tell you that the wedding party isn’t just a group of friends; it’s a team. This may be the first time you’ll see some of the members of your event team, so it’s important to make everyone feel like they belong together. Members of wedding parties will often dress alike in some kind of theme, wearing matching homemade t-shirts, or keeping their outfits within a certain color scheme. This also helps when you’re out on the town, as large groups scatter quickly.

Shopping at second hand stores is a great way to put these outfits together, especially if the group decides to dress in a color that they may not wear often. If you’re looking for blank t-shirts to decorate, they can be found inexpensively at second hand stores.

Is everyone dying to wear fuchsia? Go on a pre-party thrift shop crawl and let everyone find their favorite way to wear it. You’ll still feel like a team if one person wears a fuchsia tank top and another wears a halter in the same color.


Let the Bride Stand Out

This is her night and she should feel like a queen-for-a-day. If she plans to wear the uniform, accessorize her. While you’re on that thrift shop crawl, look for bridal bling. Tiaras, huge plastic beads and feather boas are all ways of saying “here sits the bride.”

Another idea is having the bride wear a second hand prom dress. No one will mistake her for another face in the crowd when she’s walking around in three feet of colored tulle.


Staying in?

If you plan on staying in for the party, you’ll need some party supplies. If you know your bride wants to stay away from the hassle of crowded bars and clubs, consider some of the following inexpensive bachelorette party ideas.

Nail Night

With the big day coming up, everyone will want to make sure their nails are perfect. Wearing shoes that cover your feet? Let people get experimental with their toenails. Buy some nail art supplies and rent a romantic comedy to watch while you paint. Everyone will love having something unique under their outfit for the big day.

Movie Marathon

Why stop at one movie when you can watch five? Marathon watch the bride’s favorite movies or classic romantic comedies. With online rentals and Redbox priced low, this is an inexpensive party idea. It will also take the pressure off of a tired bride.

Craft Night

If the wedding is approaching and your bride is too stressed to party, have a craft night and wrap up some of those nagging tasks for her. Play some good music, bring some wine and have fun while getting things done. Just don’t combine wine with operating a glue gun – that is a task best tackled separately.

There are many inexpensive bachelorette party ideas to choose from. A little creativity will help you tailor everything to the bridal team. Don’t forget – even though the bride is the most important person at the party, everyone deserves to have fun. Even you, the poor overworked bridesmaid!

If you also have a shower to plan, we have some ideas for you in the posts below:

5 Ways to Save Money: Stick to a Budget for Your Bridal Shower

DIY Wedding Ideas You Can Find at Your Local Second Hand Stores

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