Join the Arc Store & Support National Birth Defects Prevention Month

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01/04/2015 1:14 AM

Join the Arc Store & Support National Birth Defects Prevention Month

Multi_Colored_People_Circle_Paper_CutoutJanuary has been designated as National Birth Defects Prevention Month. Birth defects are common, costly and critical. The Arc of Butte County and the Arc Stores are joining the nationwide effort to raise awareness of birth defects, their causes and their impact. 

Every 4 ½ minutes a baby is born with a major birth defect. About 1 in every 33 babies is born with a birth defect. Not all birth defects can be prevented, but a woman can take steps to increase her own chance of having a baby with the best health possible.

Alarming statistics? Sure they are, but The National Birth Defect Prevention Network in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control have developed an educational resource, Making Healthy Choices to Prevent Birth Defects: Make a PACT for Prevention.

Women and their loved ones can participate in their PACT and take these important preventive steps that can lead to a reduction in the number of birth defects and also reduce their risk of pregnancy complications, such as early pregnancy loss, prematurity and stillbirths.

The fliers, articles and many informative blogs are available at the National Birth Defects Prevention Network website.     


P—Plan ahead

  • Get as healthy as you can before you get pregnant.
  • Get 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day.

A—Avoid harmful substances

  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking
  • Be careful with harmful exposures at work and home

C—Choose a healthy lifestyle

  • Eat a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy, lean proteins and healthy fats and oils.
  • Be physically active.
  • Work to get medical conditions like diabetes under control.

T—Talk to your doctor

  • Get a medical checkup.
  • Discuss all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter.
  • Talk about your family history.

Print a copy of the flier in both English and Spanish for your office or business and display it for your employees, co-workers and customers to encourage awareness that many birth defects are preventable.

Flier for birth defects prevention in English 

Flier in Spanish 

There are many resources and websites available online that will provide more information about this important topic and one of the best known is the website for the Center for Disease Control that gives general descriptions of birth defects and prevention methods.   

Early identification of a child with a birth defect coupled with early intervention services typically improves the child’s quality of life and may even save his or her life. The good health and well-being of the general public are enhanced by the support of a national effort to educate about and prevent birth defects. 

Children born with birth defects grow up and become adults that need special care for the remainder of their lives. The Arc of Butte County is just one of hundreds of organizations nationwide that serve the needs of those individuals born with birth defects. This population also includes individuals that have suffered traumatic brain injuries and many other causes that left them with developmental or intellectual disabilities. 

Please join the Arc of Butte County and the Arc Stores staff and management in achieving the common goal of creating awareness in January and throughout the year about the prevention of birth defects.

Every baby born is special, yet too many are born with special needs that could have been prevented had the parent had the correct information. Please share this important information with your friends and family.

Another way to support the Arc Stores is to donate your gently used items. Click below to learn more!

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