Kitchen Gadgets You Didn’t KnowYou Needed from Second Hand Stores

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09/14/2015 1:41 AM

Kitchen Gadgets You Didn’t KnowYou Needed from Second Hand Stores

kitchen_gadgetsWhether you’re a gourmet chef or a homemaker trying the latest recipe you found on Pinterest, you just can’t believe all the great kitchen gadgets you can find at your local Arc second hand store.

I love kitchen gadgets and personally have a large collection sitting right next to the stove for easy access. I like to admire them out in the open.

I’ve found items that I was clueless about, but just had to have because curiosity got the best of me. I had to go online to see what I’d just bought! I think I like the adventure of it all because then challenges me to try out my new gadget.

Some of these strange and wonderful gadgets can be expensive at retail stores, but you can find great deals shopping at second hand stores for kitchen items.

Herb Scissors – My latest find was a pair of herb scissors with 5 stainless steel blades. You can dice up those green onions or chives in seconds. What a time saver. I grow some of my own herbs, so I’m enjoying this gadget very much.

Garlic Press – I also have 3 different garlic press tools that I haven’t decided which one I like best.

Spiral Cutting – Recently, I found spiral cutting tools. These are great for creating curly-cue carrots or radishes. Spiraled vegetables (or fruits) make a plain salad look special.

Silicone Tools – You can find silicone kitchen tools and gadgets in every color and size for cooking and baking. I have to admit, in the beginning I was a bit intimidated by the idea of putting what looks like plastic in my hot oven. I’ve since gotten over it after finding out how handy and easy to clean these 21st century kitchen tools are.

Egg Slicer – One of my favorite gadgets is a simple little egg slicer. Sliced hard boiled eggs take a salad to the next level. You can experiment and see what other vegetables or fruits can be sliced with it.

Wooden Spoons – There is nothing like a few good wooden spoons. Not only do they not burn your hands, but here’s a handy tip: place a long wooden spoon from side to side on top of a round pan that is boiling water (spaghetti noodles come to mind) and the water won’t boil over. I take good care of mine and I do love them.

There seems to be no end to all the great ideas for kitchen gadgets out there. Learn about some of the best kitchen gadgets by clicking here.

The Arc Stores in Oroville, Paradise and Chico all are treasure troves for kitchen gadgets. We almost get as many kitchen gadgets donated as we do clothing. A good wash and shine will make them as good as new. 

There are so many to choose from and you’ll get them at bargain prices.

Before you come in to shop, download and print the Arc Store coupon below.