Learn How Second Hand Stores Can Save You Money on Outdoor Gear

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09/28/2015 11:58 AM

Learn How Second Hand Stores Can Save You Money on Outdoor Gear

camping gear from second hand storesAre you looking to squeeze in one more camping trip before winter hits? We’ve already passed our last day of summer and are now into fall, so really there’s no point to go out and buy all brand new gear. You know a good spot to check for cheap outdoor gear this time of year? Second hand stores!

Whether your outdoor adventure involves hiking, camping or RVing, thrift stores are a great place to find outdoor gear for a cheaper price than full retail.

Pots & Pans

It’s a good idea to have a set of pots and pans and kitchen utensils to take with you when you go camping or are spending time in the outdoors, whether it be hiking or RVing. Most second hand stores always have an abundance of cups, utensils, cooking gadgets, coffee pots, etc. You know what they also sometimes have? Cast iron cookware. That’s a true find!

Camping Clothing

When you go camping or are anywhere in the outdoors, you’re bound to get dirty. Who wants to bring along their designer jeans and expensive tennis shoes when it’s inevitable that something will get ruined?

Most people don’t think to go out and buy new clothes before they go camping, because let’s face it, it’s too pricey. However, if you’re shopping at a second hand store, that’s definitely not the case. Five bucks for a pair of jeans and a $1 for a tee-shirt? Now, that’s a camping outfit that is worth it!

Camping Accessories

There are all of those little things you don’t seem to think about needing when you go camping until you actually get there, right? Can’t you relate? Showing up to your campsite realizing you completely forgot a table cloth to put over the table or chairs to sit around the fire in.

While it’s not detrimental to your trip, it does enhance it and make it more enjoyable. So, be on the lookout next time you’re at a second hand store for the following camping accessories:

  • Lanterns
  • Flashlights
  • Books
  • Radio
  • Walkie-Talkies
  • Sleeping bags/blankets
  • Cots
  • Table Clothes
  • Fold-out chairs
  • Fishing poles/tackle box
  • Emergency kit
  • Pocket knife
  • Backpacks/Gym bags


Have you ever thought to look at a second hand store for board games, cards, books, etc.? Second hand stores are a gold mine for these sort of things. You’ll need some entertainment while you’re out there in the wilderness. Plus, what’s a little camping without a good game of Solitaire?

Here’s an extra little second hand shopping tip: If you happen to see a killer deal on a piece of outdoor equipment that you need or have been wanting when camping, make sure to just buy it.

When shopping at second hand stores you have to buy a good deal when you see it because it’s likely it won’t be there the next day, especially if it’s on an item that a lot of people would want such as a tent, sleeping bag or cooking set.

We hope you have a good time on your outdoor adventure and found these shopping tips helpful!

If you’d like to put these tips to use, download the coupon below and visit an Arc Store location in Chico, Oroville or Paradise.
