Low on Cash? Learn Ways to Save Money on Clothing at the Arc Store in Oroville

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04/10/2014 1:33 AM

Low on Cash? Learn Ways to Save Money on Clothing at the Arc Store in Oroville

Kaitlyn Park - ways to save moneyI rarely set foot in retail stores yet my closets and drawers are stuffed. Last week I bought two packs of hangers and cleared out the guest room closet to handle the overflow. My son owns more clothes than a boy his age cares about, and thats not counting the next two sizes waiting for him to grow into. I would rather jump off a bridge than pay retail these days. While the Arc Store in Oroville has a huge adult clothing section, it has a large children’s section as well. That’s why shopping at the Arc Store is so amazing. You get a large variety to choose from and only the best quality clothing at a decent price.

Here are some ways to save money on clothing when shopping at the Arc Store in Oroville.

1.  Know Your Merchandise

Do you know how to spot that cashmere sweater from a mile away? Knowing your quality fabrics and top brands are key when saving money. Also you may notice that sizes might vary between brands. I wear jeans in four different sizes, – for real!

While shopping at the Arc Store in Oroville you may notice that our Timeless Boutique section has the top brands that you are searching for, but don’t let that hold you back from shopping though the vast thrift section. Many top brands of clothing slip through unnoticed leaving you without that shocking deal.

2.  Buy Off Season

Who would have thought buying those super cute pair of shorts in the middle of January would be one of the great ways to save money at the Arc Store? Most of the time you can get anywhere from 50% – 75% off summer clothes in those freezing winter months. On the flipside, you can also score that $100 jacket in mid-July for $10. You will think you hit the jackpot!

You will notice that the Arc Store in Oroville always has a few clearance racks filled with year-round clothing. Bet you didn’t know that. Also don’t forget to stop at the front desk and ask if there’s a sale on clothing that day.

3.  Carefully Check Out the Clothing

Ok, so these items are “recycled.” Sometimes you may not see that small snag on that beautiful Ralph Lauren blouse at first glance, so just do a quick double check over your items before purchasing. If it needs repair it better be worth the time and money. The Arc Stores do their best to sell only gently used clothing.

4.  Ask About Daily Sales/Discounts

We might just be running a sale on what you are looking for. The Arc Stores have different sales every day. Checking our Facebook page is also key. We might post a special that isn’t advertised in stores. Who doesn’t love coupons? Don’t forget to bring yours. That $5 off at the Arc Store might just get you that sexy little black dress that you’ve looked everywhere for, for FREE.  

5.  Check Back Often & Don’t Get Discouraged

You never know when that fashionista may clean out her closet. She might just donate that $160 Coach handbag you’ve been saving a long time for. The Arc Stores get a variety of high quality donations every day.

So what are you waiting for? If you’re looking for ways to save money on clothing, first download the $5 coupon below, call that babysitter, grab your best thrifting buddy, and come on down to the Arc Store in Oroville today.

Now if only I had some place to wear ALL my little black dresses too?

Have you ever shopped at the Arc Store? Would you? If you have any thrift store shopping secrets to share tell us in the comments section below!


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