Merry Christmas from the Arc Stores

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12/24/2014 9:00 AM

Merry Christmas from the Arc Stores

The_Arc_Store_Merry_Christmas_optThe holidays are a time to be with family and friends, looking back on the years and everything you have accomplished and all the wonderful memories. Programs such as the Arc, a non-profit organization, are here to provide that family connection and warmth when being around those who care and want to help you succeed. The Arc is a safe place for growth in all aspects of your life. We offer jobs to the disabled as well as support hundreds of families throughout Butte County.

The Arc Stores of Butte County would like to say thank you to each of our communities for helping us thrive and be a part of helping the lives of those who are in need. Through all the donations and generosity shown we are able to provide a place of care and support to the beautiful people in our day programs, as well as to all the families.

The_Arc_Stores_Tree_optThe Paradise Arc Store location opened in March of 2014 and since then has only continued to do better with each day. The Paradise community has welcomed us with open arms and was so quick to jump in and help us become the successful “first –stop, thrift- shop” that fulfills all your needs. The staff at all 3 locations in Paradise, Chico, and Oroville are here to greet you with smiles on their faces and are always eager to help. The donations have been great and we have felt the love from our communities and will continue to provide a great experience and clean place to shop and find those fantastic deals.

The day programs are staffed with hard working, loving individuals who are there helping our clients with developmental disabilities reach their full potential and give them meaning by providing them with jobs and a place to surround themselves with similar people and a place where they can be themselves and enjoy all the holiday activities and time spent together.

We would all like to say thank you for making what we do possible. Without the community and amount of donations we receive we would not be able to help everyone that we do. Along with a huge thank you to our loyal shoppers who come and find those fun treasures. We hope we were able to fill your season with wonderful finds and a great experience. Make sure to check out and like our Facebook page for all our wonderful events and sales going on and have a very Merry Christmas. 

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