Money Saving Tips: 5 Items to Repair/Buy Used Instead of Replace New

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07/14/2014 9:28 AM

Money Saving Tips: 5 Items to Repair/Buy Used Instead of Replace New

keep calm and be creative Often times there are a lot of things that people throw away and replace that could actually be repaired and/or found used. And guess what? Doing so would save you a whole lot of money! Plus, it’s better for the environment repairing things you already have or re-using something someone else got rid of.

1. Shoes

Most people don’t think to repair their shoes, which is interesting because a couple decades ago everyone did it! There was the local shoe repairman, which is also known as a cobbler, who used to repair everyone’s shoes in the community. Guess what? There’s actually still some around!

Why don’t we use them anymore? It’s a great way to save money and keep a pair of shoes that you love and don’t want to part with. Sure, it’s fun to buy new shoes but sometimes it’s not feasible financially or you really want to keep your old pair that you’ve already grown to love. This is your solution!

If you don’t like the idea of repairing your shoes or are really itching for a new look, check out the selection at your local thrift store. Super cheap and often in good condition!

2. Clothes

Repairing clothes is also something that has gone by the wayside. Not many people nowadays know how to sew but learning so would help to save money. Instead of buying new clothes when say a zipper breaks, or a button falls off, or a hole forms—you just repair it for a fraction of the price of a new item.

If your sewing skills are not so hot, it’s ok! You can take your clothes to a seamstress and often get minor things fixed for cheaper than it would be to buy new. For example, instead of replacing a pair of slacks that have a broken zipper, you can pay $5-10 to have it replaced.

3. Furniture

With DIY (do-it-yourself) projects being so popular, we’re sure you know that repairing your furniture to make it look hip and cool can easily be done. You just need a little creative drive and some guidance (check out Pinterest). If you don’t have the money for big furniture products, no worries, just DIY it! A great place to find used furniture to makeover is at a thrift store.

4. Appliances

Finding out that your washing machine or dryer is on the fritz is one of the worst things. Appliances are expensive and it’s not really ever in the budget. Let’s face it; buying a new washing machine isn’t all that exciting either. Before you shovel out the cash for a new one check with a repairman and see how much it would be to fix it. It may be just a small part that needs repair. If not, check out local appliance second hand stores.

5. Vehicles

This one is kind of a given! Most of us try to repair our vehicles before we just go out and buy a new one—especially because it is a big expense. However, a good thing to remember is, if the repair costs less than 50 percent of the cost of a new one, then it’s worth repairing it, but once it goes over you may want to consider buying. (Rabbit Funds)

Some questions to think of when deciding if you should repair or replace:

  • Does the item require a part to be fixed?
  • Is the cost of the repair almost as much if not more than it would be to buy new?
  • Do you need to call a repair person or can you DIY?
  • How much time will it take to repair?
  • Is it really outdated?
  • Will you need to upgrade soon anyway?

Next time you get ready to throw away a certain item, think twice, it may just need a repair! We hope you enjoyed these money saving tips! What have you recently repaired?

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