Money Saving Tips: 7 Ways to Fit More Stuff in Your Suitcase

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03/09/2015 12:11 PM

Money Saving Tips: 7 Ways to Fit More Stuff in Your Suitcase

girl_stuffing_suitcase_493917947Are you going on a trip somewhere soon? Inevitably, if it’s for any extended period of time, you’ll have to bring along a suitcase, maybe even two or three! Carrying around extra baggage is a pain and it adds to your bill whether you are flying or driving.

Having additional luggage often costs more when you are flying. Who wants to pay $100 for a suitcase for a 5 day trip? Not me! Think that extra suitcase sitting in your trunk isn’t costing you more money? Think again. Every extra pound you add to your vehicle, your gas intake goes up. So, let’s solve this problem and learn how to pack a suitcase the right way. Keep reading for some money saving tips!

Roll Your Clothes

We’re sure you’ve heard that rolling your clothes can help save a lot of space in your suitcase. Rolling up a pair of jeans into a little roll definitely makes sense as to how it could save on space. Doing this will allow you to stuff more in your suitcase! While rolling your clothes will help, there is a certain way that this needs to be done. Plus, not everything needs to be rolled. There’s a system to follow.

Watch this video to see how certain things should be rolled/folded:

Fill Your Shoes

Shoes take up a lot of space in your suitcase. But unfortunately, those darn things are needed! Plus, you like having options and you may NEED options due to weather or different treks your traveling will be taking you on. Since you can’t get around bringing at least two or three pairs of shoes, the best thing is to take advantage of their compartments while packing. Stuff those puppies with socks, underwear, bathing suits, etc. It’s a win-win, you’ll be saving space but also keeping your shoes from getting squished.  

Use Space Bags [Yes, they actually work]

You know those bags you see in those paid commercials where they stuff a bunch of stuff in them and suck out all the air with a vacuum cleaner? Well, surprisingly they actually work pretty dang well. If you have items like large coats that need to be packed, these will come in handy for you. The only part that may be a bit difficult is if you don’t have access to a vacuum on the other end of your trip when you’re trying to pack to come back!

Utilize ‘Travel Size’ Options

If you’re trying to save room in your suitcase, don’t bring full size bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Travel-size toiletries were created for a reason—utilize them! If you travel a lot, go buy some reusable travel size containers where you can pour your various toiletry liquids into them.

Take Advantages of Pouches & Small Places

Your suitcase has different pockets and compartments for a reason! A lot of times, even when you think you can’t fit one more thing in your suitcase, you can in those pockets, because they are designed just for that reason. For things like belts, loop them around the inside perimeter of your suitcase, instead of rolling them up which takes up more room.

Bring Along a Clean Kitchen Garbage Bag

Bringing along a garbage bag will come in handy for your dirty clothes. It’s always difficult fitting everything back in your suitcase after your trip is over. You have dirty clothes and probably some items that you purchased while you were on vacation. Instead of stuffing your clothes in the bag, when you’re ready to pack up your things again, flatten them on the bottom of your suitcase and place the garbage bag over the top, then place your clean clothes on top of that.

Use a Soft-Sided Suitcase

If you can, invest in a soft sided suitcase. If you do lots of traveling, this purchase will be well worth it. A soft-sided suitcase will allow you to fit more items in it than a hard-sided one will. You know a good place to find a great deal on a suitcase? Second hand stores, also known as thrift stores. There’s no reason to drop a couple hundred on a suitcase when you can find one in good condition at a thrift store for half the price and save money. Bring the coupon below into the Arc Store and you’ll save even more!
