Money Saving Tips for Farmers’ Markets in Chico, Paradise & Oroville

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05/11/2015 9:22 AM

Money Saving Tips for Farmers’ Markets in Chico, Paradise & Oroville

farmers_market_vegetables_450798979Farmers’ market season is upon us! Ah, one of my favorite seasons. Are you wondering why? Well, you can get fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and local goods for a reasonable price. Plus, you are supporting farmers in the Chico, Paradise and Oroville area. There’s no better way than to save on fresh food than by visiting your local farmers’ market weekly!

If you’re not too familiar with going to farmers’ markets, it’s ok because we’ve got a guide full of money saving tips for you! You’ll be a farmers’ market pro in no time!

Bring cash

First things first, make sure you bring cash. Bringing credit cards to farmers’ market is a rookie mistake. Don’t be that guy. Take out a set amount of cash you want to spend and stick to it in order to save money.

Bring your own bags

To avoid carrying a bunch of small bags, bring your own reusable bags. When I go to the farmers’ market I prefer to bring one large reusable bag that I can fit all of my produce in. It makes it easier to carry around so you can enjoy the market and not worry about the burden of carrying so many bags. Plus, you’re helping save the environment! A good place to find a sturdy farmers’ market bag is at your local thrift store, like the Arc Store in Chico, Paradise or Oroville.

Know what’s in season

Before you head to the market do a little research. Google what fruits and vegetables are in season in your area so that you have an expectation of what you can buy. This is one of our favorite money saving tips for farmers’ markets, because if for some reason something out of season is at the market, it will definitely cost more. It pays to be informed about produce!

For a good guide on how to know if something is ripe and good to take home with you, check out this article.

Arrive early and shop around

You know what they say, the early bird gets the worm! If you want the ripest cherries, or the prettiest bouquet of flowers, you have to beat the crowd! Make sure you do a lap around to look at all the stands first so that you can compare prices. There’s notthing worse than noticiing a few stands down you could have saved a couple bucks!  


Chat it up with the farmers

Getting to know the farmers will work to your advantage. Not only will they be able to help you find the best vegetables and produce but they can inform you on how to properly wash, care for or cook whatever you picked out. If they get to know you and you become a “regular” that they like, you may score some free or discounted stuff!

Make it an outing

When you go to the farmers’ market it not only counts as your trip to the store BUT can also be an outing! And guess what, it’s completely free! Farmers’ markets often have free entertainment like bands, dance groups and comedy shows. Plus, there’s great people watching.

Grab a meal

While you’re picking up your produce, make sure you grab breakfast, lunch or dinner! If you’re looking for money saving tips that still allow you to have some seriously good grub on the go, this is your place to get it. Food trucks are all the rage right now and there is good reason. These trucks have some serious good food. If you weren’t a fan of food trucks in the past, you need to try one the next time you’re at a farmers’ market in Chico, Paradise or Oroville. Plus, you can pretty much get a good size meal for around $5.

Farmers_Market_sign_177386319Here’s a list of farmers’ markets available in the summer season in the Chico, Paradise and Oroville area.


  • Wednesday market in the parking lot near Sportsman’s Warehouse from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Thursday Night Market in downtown Chico from 6 to 9 p.m.
  • Chico Certified Farmers’ Market on Saturdays in the parking lot on 2nd and Wall Street from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.


  • Thursday Paradise Famers’ Market at Paradise Community Park from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Tuesday Paradise Farmers’ Market at Alliance Church parking lot from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.


  • Oroville Hospital’s Community Farmers’ Market at Oroville Hospital on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Oroville Certified Farmers’ Market at Oroville Municipal Auditorium parking lot on Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • Friday Night Market at 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Now that you have a list of all the farmers’ markets in Chico, Paradise and Oroville, you’re ready to go and test these money saving tips and your market skills. Just remember to have fun. See ya at the market!

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